Hop Schedule Timer/alarm

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RoachHaus Brewery
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I was just wondering, is there an application out there that runs on Vista that you can use as an alarm to remind you of your hop schedule??

I currently use my phone's alarm, but would love something on the laptop as I'm normally in front of it while a brew is on the stove.

Honestly, I'm shocked it hasn't been added to beersmith, would make a valuable addition..
I was just wondering, is there an application out there that runs on Vista that you can use as an alarm to remind you of your hop schedule??

I currently use my phone's alarm, but would love something on the laptop as I'm normally in front of it while a brew is on the stove.

Honestly, I'm shocked it hasn't been added to beersmith, would make a valuable addition..
Huh - using Vista as an alarm clock. Seems like one of the few useful things to do with it. ;) Not starting that up again.

I use a kitchen timer from a cheap shop. Cost about $4 and either does a count-up or count-down from a set time with a decently audible alarm. Easy to use and splash-proof. Even has a suction-cup on the back to attach it to the brew rig. Could be easier than using the laptop, but if you're committed to using that, google should have some sort of solution.

@Katie - the one you pointed to seems to be a trial version. May not last very long before it asks for money.
I you are too disorganised/busy/forgetful/drunk/stoned/or "otherwise engaged" to get your hop schedule right without big brother reminding you, then brewing probably isnt for you.
Butters, tried that one, it didn't want to work with my system, repeated errors, I gave up.

QB, Considered getting a kitchen timer, would work out okay.

sinkas, not all of us like to sit there and stare at the pot and a timer at the same time, all I wanted as a timer that can be set for multiple times and have a small reminder on it, not a useless smartarsed remark, if I wanted that I'd ask the wife......

Odd, I recall someone releasing software for the iPhone that was similar to beersmith, the first question asked was "Does it have timers/alarms for adding hops during the boil?" Everyone seemed to think it was a good idea then.........
Ikea gives out a little clock/thermometer/timer/calendar thingy from time to time. Otherwise they're about five bucks. Magnetic, stuck to the fridge and has an alarm that would wake the dead when it has fresh batteries.

Vista? Meh... Linux ftw... :D

Cheers - Fermented.
sinkas, not all of us like to sit there and stare at the pot and a timer at the same time, all I wanted as a timer that can be set for multiple times and have a small reminder on it, not a useless smartarsed remark, if I wanted that I'd ask the wife......
:lol: :lol: yep best reply possible............that!!!!
sinkas, not all of us like to sit there and stare at the pot and a timer at the same time, all I wanted as a timer that can be set for multiple times and have a small reminder on it, not a useless smartarsed remark, if I wanted that I'd ask the wife......

Sorry if I caused some introspection bollux; If you think homebrewed beer is going to be significantly affected by relatively small timing chages to hop charges, this is the least of you problems.
There is a great one on the green board, it even imports promash / beersmith recipes if your that way inclined.
Ikea gives out a little clock/thermometer/timer/calendar thingy from time to time. Otherwise they're about five bucks. Magnetic, stuck to the fridge and has an alarm that would wake the dead when it has fresh batteries.

Vista? Meh... Linux ftw... :D

Cheers - Fermented.

I actually have a dual boot, Vista and Fedora, but I'm yet to get around to running beersmith in Fedora.

Sorry if I caused some introspection bollux; If you think homebrewed beer is going to be significantly affected by relatively small timing chages to hop charges, this is the least of you problems.

I'm not even sure what this sentence is, is it a personal stab? As for introspection, lol, thanks, I needed that laugh....

Sorry if I want to make the world of extract brewing slightly easier, really, I'm sorry to have trouble you for your obviously quite precious timer watching time....Then again, you could have just not read the thread......

Oh, and the "typo" on my user name, hilarious, well it was back in 1999 when someone first did it, kind of lost it's effect over the years though.

Randyrob: This is what I wanted to hear, got link??
Many hours later i finally find it!


Enjoy Rob.

The BreweryTimer is a windows application to help you keep track of time sensitive tasks during your brewing session.

Key Features:

o Configure up to 5 timers (ex. water heating duration, mash schedule, sparge, etc)
o Boil Timer with activity alarms.
o Boil Activity Alarms- add unlimited activity alarms so you know when to take action during the boil. For example, you can add alarms for all your hop additions or add an alarm to remind yourself to clean your fermenter or prepare the whirlflock.
o Import boil additions and boil duration from your recipe (supports the following popular brewing applications and formats: Beer Tools, BeerXML, ProMash).
o Ability to save timer templates so that you only have to configure your timers, boil settings, and common boil alarms once.

For example: Say you always use 3 timers (Hot Liquor, Mash, Sparge), you boil for 1 hr 30 min, and you add whirlflock at 15 min. Simply configure everything and save the settings as your default template (you can also save unlimited other templates). Once your default template is saved, every time you start the BreweryTimer application, all your settings will be loaded and ready to go.

o Calculators: Brix to S.G., Hydro Temp Adjustment, Wort Dilution
o Customize the alarm sound via a WAV file of your choice.
o More features will be added soon so check back regularly!
I actually have a dual boot, Vista and Fedora, but I'm yet to get around to running beersmith in Fedora.
[hangs head in shame]... I actually run Beersmith on a Vista laptop. Had to buy a Windows box to run MYOB because MYOB won't run under WINE and Beersmith ran badly under Wine on Ubuntu.

Randyrob is da man! That application looks great.

Cheers - Fermented.
Randy Rob, that is perfect, thank you muchly....

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