Hop Characteristics

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Hi All

Which hop would be best to go with if not wanting the citrus / fruity flavours?

I was thinking tettnanger or maybe Saaz B.

Any ideas from you would be great!

What are you brewing?
If an English style ale, Fuggle, Goldings, Styrians, Willamette are all great! Any English hops have a very defining character that is usually not in the least way citrusy or fruity.

If you're brewing a lager, any noble hop will give you predominantly spicy, neutrally hoppy flavours.

What's wrong with fruity or citrusy on hops anyway? I find using pongy hops a great way to learn not to overhop a beer. My friends will tell me it tastes too strong.

I was just re-reading my post, and missed the style altogether!

Lager and ales, no actual style (or based on a commercial brand anyway).
MFS has provided the best advice for the information that you have provided.

If you're not trying to emulate a specific style, perhaps you can elaborate on the type of beer that you want to make. ie, Visualising the end product will make it easier for other people to help you get there.
Personally I like EKG and Styrians for ales.
Hallertau mf or Spalt for lagers and pilsners.

I think I will try a vienna lager, based on an all extract brew of:

2kg Dark ME
1Kg light ME (should provide a SRM of 11 ish)

+ hops to suit
+ yeast to suit (probably Saflager 23 or 34/70)

Any other suggestions? (I like REAL heineken or Amstel flavours as a starting point possibly Okterberfest)
any of the old noble hops should do you. just stay away from modern varities and you will be safe.
I have a bag of tettnanger which I am experimenting with
morgan aussie 3.5 1.7kg
thomas coopers light malt tin 1kg

which I want to use the hops in my secondary fermenter...
I used saaz last brew and it smelt like a cascade brewery type of beer
I have a bag of tettnanger which I am experimenting with
morgan aussie 3.5 1.7kg
thomas coopers light malt tin 1kg

which I want to use the hops in my secondary fermenter...
I used saaz last brew and it smelt like a cascade brewery type of beer

When I was in AU last month I had a cascade lager and found the taste a little too strong, however it was a hot day and all I wanted was to wet my whistle. The Blonde wasn't too bad, however I hear you guys aren't fans of that taste?

I am drinking an Amstel (full strenght) lager at the moment, and I don't mind it at all! I think I will have to educate my palete a little more as I generally drink imported dutch beers.

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