Homebrew Syrupy aftertaste

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Hi All and Cheers,
I consider myself well and truely a novice brewer. I have been home brewing 3 years now, I run 2 fermenters and have 2 kegs on the go in my beer fridge, one drinking and one carbonating and chilling.

I brew the morgans wort tins generally with 1 kg brew enhancer plus around 300grams of dextrose plus premium ale yeast supplied by my brew shop plus seeped hops 12grams, included after yeast.
I like my lagers normally. I control temperature ferment in a fridge usually 2 to 3 weeks and then cold crash at 5° for another week, then keg.

I make a heavy beer usually around 4.8 to 5.0 % I like my brews, although at times I think they have a syrupie after taste.

My mates also comment that they taste strong.

My question is... has anyone else noticed a syrupy after taste in their brews... my thoughts are it could be from the wort tins.. ?
Any of your thoughts or comment will be appreciated.
I'm sure someone on here will be able to help you. I haven't brewed with a can for about 17 years, so can't really comment with any useful insights. Couple of questions, what's in the brew enhancer, and which yeast and how much do you use?
I stopped using liquid malt (which I presume your Morgans is) because of the off flavours which I would describe as the smell of hessian sacks translated into a flavour. I changed to quality dried malt and the flavour of my brews improved immensely using the partial mash technique. Your question about a syrup flavour sounds like incomplete (stalled) fermentation.