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SJW said:
And I'll 4th MARKS HOMEBREW in Newcastle. Both Mark and Keith are ******s but the shop is good. Ha Ha, (there goes my discount)

My vote goes to Mark's also.
At least they'll let go of what they're holding and have a chat. :lol:

Mark and Keith have helped me out with equipment, advice and great service - wouldn't have made the change to AG without them.
It's also allowed me to catch up with a few fellow brewers in the area. Not many visits go past without catching up with one or 2 of the forum members while I'm there.
If only he had an espresso machine and a few more chairs....

Keep it up fella's
Try 'The Brewers Den' 253 Dorset rd, Boronia. Both Peter and Laureen are nice people and helpfull.
Cheers 15BL :beer: Phone 9761 1900
Another vote for Marks HB.

Mark and Keith have helped with great advice, ingredients and brewing equipment throughout my time. I also would not know a lot of the local brewers without that shop either.

Marks HB again,

Mark and Keith are both real brewing enthusiasts, and are always willing to help a fellow brewer out with what ever they need be it advice, parts or ingredients. Above and beyond the normal retailer.

Thanks Guys.
just in Bills defence, i didn't think he had much stuff in the shop but i found out most of the grain & hops etc (real stuff) aren't in the front part of the shop, you just have to ask for what you want.
One problem i have is I don't want a lesson in life the universe and everything, I just want to buy what I need and get back to brewing. Two recent HBS trips took from 1 - 1.5 hours in store each to get everything weighed out and purchased, which blew the idea of brewing that day.
I don't want a history of SA HBS (although the last 15minutes of the story was interesting) I don't want to hear how great you are or what the xxxx taste like.
I just want some crystal rye and a packet of yeast.
There is one in my suburb that I avoid.

I prefer to go to Grain and Grape. Anything between 50-110 miutes round trip. Even though the new location should be closer.

Great people, great service.

The only problem I have is that they are ususally so busy, its hard to catch up and chat.

Screwtop said:
Grumpy's naturally and Les at Caloundra Home Brew, good guy, great prices and has absolutely everything (can't sell enough liquit yeast to make it worthwile stocking it) looks after repeat customers no end. Come on how about some votes from other Sunshine Coast Brewers.
Yep Grumpys is good :) got me back into brewing using their made up kits awhile back, almost 2 years :blink: and yes Les in Caloundra is a good guys and helpful, but now I do mostly Ag and a few partials I only buy DME and a little extract from him, wait a sec <_< I made his Xmas beer case for him so he is not brewing very much :D I think I go there to have a good laugh.
Marks, Marks, Marks, Marks, ( fade out monty python SPAM music)

Hey- their song is worth singing. Mark and Keith's service and advice is great and so is their volume and variety of stock- as others have said. Not only only will they stop for a chat, they'll also amuse your children :p . Great work guys. :beer:

I have also used Gerards service too and must also rate it highly. A valuable resource to the southern brothers. ;)

Could those who've recommended the various HBSs, please provide contact details or www addresses if they exist?

Once this list has been compiled, perhaps we could make it a sticky post?

Many thanks,
Probably one thing to remember is to give the store a call before you go to see if they have what you want to avoid disappointment and also wasting your time.

Also if you need things weighed out then this could be done by the HBS person when the store is quiet. Impulse buys or those last minute things you remember on the trip to the store could then be taking of easily.

Happy happy joy joy all round then! :beer:
Well there u have it, Marks HB in NEWCASTLE has to be a clear winner. For a local HB shop that has not got the big advertising budget and national exposure of G & G and the like it 's well worth a visit if your passing thru.
A few more chairs and a coffee machine would be a nice touch boys!
I'm very happy with my lhbs.

As far as I'm concerned, there is only one lhbs in Newcastle.

The guys are friendly, helpful, and happy enough to toss in the odd freebie (especially for new customers).
Happy to discuss beer or spirits, or anything at all to do with beer or spirtits, actually. Quite free with opinions, as well as personal experience to corroborate those opinions.

Not to belittle the other retailers of beer-related products in Newcastle, I will not name my lhbs of choice, suffice to say that the other retailers haven't been mentioned in this thread (yet).

Oh, did I forget to mention range of product and price, as well as advice and follow-up service?
Usually happy to help evaluate a beer for you too, but you can't expect that while the shop is full of customers...they'll all want a taste!

Seth :p
Phrak said:
Could those who've recommended the various HBSs, please provide contact details or www addresses if they exist?

Once this list has been compiled, perhaps we could make it a sticky post?

Many thanks,

If you live in Sydney give Northern Districts Brewing a try. http://www.ndbrewing.com.au

Highly recommended.

edit: fixed link
Why not add these retail stores to those listed in the links page on this site & give them a rating.
Great idea in principle, but a ratings system will have to be carefully considered. There's all sorts of legal worm-cans that can be opened if a vendor decides (s)he has lost revenue from bad press.

However, I whole-heartedly agree with having a central list of vendor contact details! Listed by State/Country if possible please :)

Mark's appears to be well regarded. I was about to bag these bloke as every time I walk into the shop with a list of things I think I need, I always leave with more. Mark's passion for thing fermentable is sickening and his hyper attitude to HB is spellbinding. Anyway, not wanting to sound like a book review, after thinking about the service and knowledge of the staff I would be stupid not to applaud their service.

(Thread Hijack)
I didn't know there was a strong hunter contingent on this forum. Is there a brew club or get together around here?

There's been quite a few votes for Northern Brew at Woonona (Alan & Anne) and here is another vote from me. I've visited a few home brew shops over the years and Alan is the most knowlegable and enthusiastic shop owner I've met. The shop is always clean and well stocked and has lots of goodies that you just don't find in many other shops. He'll do his best to get whatever you want. Wollongong is lucky to have Northern Brew.

Why not add these retail stores to those listed in the links page on this site & give them a rating.

Have a look in the links section, there is a section for retail shops, add your favourite shop's website in there.

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