Home Brew Gimmicks

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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are they serious!?

The 12 challenges with Homebrewing
  1. Flat beer has to be carbonated after fermentation in an extra process step in bottles (4 weeks) or kegs (1 week).
  2. Fermentation occurs at ambient temperatures so gets cold at night & in winter and can takes weeks to complete.
  3. Clarification can take weeks.
  4. Beer must be transferred off the sediment which oxidises the product greatly and creates off-flavours.
  5. Too much work. Multiple vessels and transfers required. Bottling homebrew takes many hours.
  6. Experience is required to make a good beer. Trial and error.
  7. Poor temperature control during fermentation leads to yeast making off-flavours or headache-causing compounds.
  8. Poor cleaning and poor sterilisation which leads to many infected beers.
  9. Chronic beer oxidation due to transfers between vessels and into bottles and kegs.
  10. Bottled homebrew has a dead yeast layer at the bottom which contributes off-flavours.
  11. Old extract is been kept warm for many months on the shelf, which contributes greatly to the homebrew flavour.
  12. Old yeast is stored warm under the can lid which ensures a huge loss of vitality and viability, resulting in more homebrew flavours.
:blink: <_<

See, replace the weasel word and takes on a whole new dimension.

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