Home Brew Expos?

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Matt Browne

Well-Known Member
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Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if there are any homebrew expos or similar held in Sydney?


NSW Amateur Brewing Championships for 2011 on 27th & 28th August, 2011 at Hunter Beer Co at Potters Brewery, Nulkaba NSW is probably the event that will have the 'most' Home Brew floating around, however it's not an expo, more a judging event. However if you were interested in that sort of thing I'm sure they could use some extra help with stewards and organizing etc - you'll get to taste various home brew beer and rub shoulders with many home brewers that way. Edit, info here: http://www.hunterbrewers.com/forum/index.p...ng-competition/

The other thing to look at is the BrewShare night that The Local Taphouse run every few months, again it is not really an 'expo' but each of the participants takes a bottle of their HB, and you get to taste and talk HB for the night: http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...showtopic=38507
Hi all, Can anyone tell me if there are any homebrew expos or similar held in Sydney?
Cheers Matt

Not heard of any as is, ever. What is it exactly you are looking for in an expo ? Nothing I have seen at either National Conferences would be described as an expo, though much knowledge and some vendor displays and feedback were present.

If you want knowledge, attend any number of the brew days at any number of the Sydney clubs. The ISBs are holding one in a few weeks and it isn't that far from you. Visits to some of the better homebrew shops satisfies much craving. Plus look for any demonstration days they may hold. Want more knowledge, again being with brewers is good. If your local Northern Beaches club isn't satisfying that need, invite some of Sydney's better brewers along for a demo. Or do what I do and gate crash.

As Wolfy said, the NSW Champs weekend is great for a new brewer to attend and you learn hepas. Can't make Newcastle - keep an eye out for the Castle Hill Show and come along and meet some great brewers there. No such thing as a dumb question either!

So what did you want to see or gain out of an expo?
Hi guys,

Thanks for your responses, greatly appreciated.
I guess I was hoping to attend an event where everything is under the one roof ie gear, knowledge, info, products.
I've got great support from Dave at Dave's Home Brew but I have to say I'm a little addicted and too much info isnt possible at the moment.
The info you've both given is a great start for me.

Thanks again guys

:icon_cheers: Matt