Hipster alert!

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They could just get a Braumeister.

I think it is good to see people brewing, no matter who they are. Brewing on such a small scale is something I have considered sometimes to be able to brew heaps of different beers without having to drink an entire keg of it before moving on. What I don't get is how they haven't killed each other after spending every minute of every day together.
Gingerbrew said:
I know an investment banker in Sydney, around 28yo very hip and cool, just bought a braumeister and was telling me about his smoked chipotle porter. Really?

For those of you outside of Sydney or Melbourne, you may not have seen this as a trend, but if you do live in a metropolitan area, what do you think?
Braumeister , bar humbug, hes not a real brewer anyways. :ph34r:
It was bound to happen with craft beer becoming trendy amongts your young inner city types (such as one of my sons).
doon said:
yeah i guess. When i see them in their 300 dollar cardigans that are made to look like it cost tree fiddy it makes me want to punch them
You clearly know nothing of hipsters.
super_simian said:
You clearly know nothing of hipsters.
He probably knows about the same as you do about footballers.
practicalfool said:
What's a faux-fixie?

I really wanna know. Like really really. And does it skid? Can you, like, ride it backwards? I haven't, like, worked that out yet.
It's a single-speed bike that looks, for all intents and purposes, like a fixie, but has a freewheel. Thus it spares the cash-flush but time-poor hipster the laborious task of actually learning to ride a fixie, while still imbuing them with all the credibility. Until they start coasting, of course.

It would have to have brakes, so I'd say it can skid. I suppose you could ride it backwards after a running start, or if you were good at 180s.
But what do footballers know of bicycles?
Hipster are every where these days - this from Ratebeer for example
Pliny the Younger is sort of a lightning rod for a lot of other
conversations, whether they entail the rare-beer-seeking subculture or
an influx of n00bs who happened to read about the latest fancy beer
release in their local paper. (As a friend would put it: “They tossed
down the PBRs, pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, and peddled to Santa
Rosa as fast as their fixies could carry them.”)
Still I guess its thier cash that keeps craft beer bars open rather than us tight-arses.
I hate them now,more than I already did. Which was a lot.
Come to Newtown if you want to see them in their natural habitat!
everytime i read this thread all i could think of was this

just watched half an hour of there videos. hilarious!

im not one though :ph34r:
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Whilst hipsters generally **** me to tears, these are my sort of hipsters.

Good on them.
goldenchild said:
everytime i read this thread all i could think of was this

just watched half an hour of there videos. hilarious!

im not one though :ph34r:

That is totes AWESOME!
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squirt in the turns said:
It's a single-speed bike that looks, for all intents and purposes, like a fixie, but has a freewheel. Thus it spares the cash-flush but time-poor hipster the laborious task of actually learning to ride a fixie, while still imbuing them with all the credibility. Until they start coasting, of course. It would have to have brakes, so I'd say it can skid. I suppose you could ride it backwards after a running start, or if you were good at 180s.
Ah, thanks. Must say that it's easier to give a girl a single speed rather than a fixie...

Heh, I s'pose I could be mistaken for a hipster in disguise cuz I kept the brakes. Safety.. Yada yada (training weights). Besides, most purpose built road riding fixies come with brakes, those track bikes just don't look up to handling street abuse. Road conversions can't skid, so... No point really. Tbh, hurtling downhill on a freewheel with only the brakes to depend on scares the **** out of me.
What I don't get about this video is that they said there was no brew shop in NY. But that's crap, because I've been to one, it's even in brooklyn, true it's in a bit of a rough industrial area were the locals didn't speak much English.... but it's still there.

I bought a counter chiller from there. It's amazing, 316 plates, if my chill water is cold enough, it can chill 23L of wort to sub 17ºC in under 3 minutes. It was a bitch to get through airport security though.

The brew shop was pretty awesome though, all their grain could be purchased out of drums by the scoop and their hops were pretty cheap. I actually think it was cheeper to buy Galaxy over there than it was from my local brew shop, which is ******** when you consider shipping.

But I have to say, I'm only 25 and have only been brewing for 3 or so years, there is no way I would call myself hipster.
A lot of us Hipster dudes around these parts. You come back now hear !
Batz said:
A lot of us Hipster dudes around these parts. You come back now hear !
Hipster rule #1.... Real hipsters wouldn't call themselves hipsters!
Did we fail?

Bar 1900.jpg
jammer said:
I hate them now,more than I already did. Which was a lot.
Come to Newtown if you want to see them in their natural habitat!
Swing by Young Henrys any Friday and you will see plenty of froth providing nutrients for the yeasts in bears, armpits and what not. Lucky you have Ben, he plays 2ws just to screw with em'. Dunno if it is a lack of sunlight that makes their skin bubble when he puts on that radio station, soap or otherwise.

And from most Hipster chicks i've seen, he must be something unknown to any other woman and necessary cool,but one thing for sure he is punching above his weight.

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