Hipster alert!

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PCB_Brewer said:
What I don't get about this video is that they said there was no brew shop in NY. But that's crap, because I've been to one, it's even in brooklyn, true it's in a bit of a rough industrial area were the locals didn't speak much English.... but it's still there.

I bought a counter chiller from there. It's amazing, 316 plates, if my chill water is cold enough, it can chill 23L of wort to sub 17ºC in under 3 minutes. It was a bitch to get through airport security though.

The brew shop was pretty awesome though, all their grain could be purchased out of drums by the scoop and their hops were pretty cheap. I actually think it was cheeper to buy Galaxy over there than it was from my local brew shop, which is ******** when you consider shipping.

But I have to say, I'm only 25 and have only been brewing for 3 or so years, there is no way I would call myself hipster.
When I went to NY in May I couldn't find a single HB store in Manhattan, I asked around, googled, mapped, everything and the closest was somewhere out in Queens and that was not even worth going to apparently.

I agree that a BM would be okay for an apartment.

Hipsters get bored of everything quickly so I wouldn't worry about them getting into homebrew. HB will convert them into non-hipsters.
Rowy said:
He probably knows about the same as you do about footballers.
No. He knows nothing of hipsters. I know more about rapists footballers. You really have a wide-on for footy players huh? Must have been those early touching sessions in the showers...
Yup. Been to young Henry's. I actually thought I'd walked into a video shoot for a Duran Duran clip,but with bad facial hair.
They've even got lots of bike racks for the fleets of fixies.
God luv em....
jammer said:
Yup. Been to young Henry's. I actually thought I'd walked into a video shoot for a Duran Duran clip,but with bad facial hair.
They've even got lots of bike racks for the fleets of fixies.
God luv em....
Bit too undiscovered that band is ...
more power to em. their beer might be amazing, and good on em. if they can make a few beans for their troubles then definitely good on em; i'd bloody love to. if it's terrible and still makes them money, DEFINITELY good on em haha.

i live in a metropolitan area, and in a few years will actually be moving to NYC, and i love diversity in everything. honestly. sameness bores the living **** out of me. the more brewers, the better the hobby / pastime / profession becomes for everyone. cheaper, more accessible, different ideas, techniques, research, improvements. the list goes on.

i have respect for home brewing's beggings and excitement for it's future; whoever is in it. the more walks of life involved, the merrier.
I don't see a problem. Sure it's a huge amount of effort for only a few bottles, but it is designed for apartment brewing.

Love the bondi hipster vid. Those guys are legends.
super_simian said:
No. He knows nothing of hipsters. I know more about rapists footballers. You really have a wide-on for footy players huh? Must have been those early touching sessions in the showers...
Again you persist with your boring generalisations. What was it? Now let me think you were the nerd at school who would have loved to play but did not have the physical skills to play and that envy still persists to this day. Or the kid that saw all the athletes get the girls you wanted and used to fantasize about at night.........Could it be that it was the footballers you used to fantasize about at night and your hateful attitude stems from knowing you could watch but not touch........whether it was one of these or some other unlucky event in your self obsessed and over opinionated life please spare us the hate little man.
Rowy said:
Again you persist with your boring generalisations. What was it? Now let me think you were the nerd at school who would have loved to play but did not have the physical skills to play and that envy still persists to this day. Or the kid that saw all the athletes get the girls you wanted and used to fantasize about at night.........Could it be that it was the footballers you used to fantasize about at night and your hateful attitude stems from knowing you could watch but not touch........whether it was one of these or some other unlucky event in your self obsessed and over opinionated life please spare us the hate little man.
Wow you are so perceptive. How did you work out my life story with such accuracy?
Sheesh. Save it for a face to face get together!
More than happy to let it rest PF...............didn't start it......................happy to save it for a face to face :)
Edak said:
When I went to NY in May I couldn't find a single HB store in Manhattan, I asked around, googled, mapped, everything and the closest was somewhere out in Queens and that was not even worth going to apparently.
You musnt have googled very hard.

I was there in June & found Brooklyn Homebrew. While not exactly in Manhattan, it was only a 10 min trip on the subway off the island. They were great.

my girlfriend bought me the brooklyn homebrew shop book for my birthday last year. it's got some great recipes in it.

as a result, myself and a few mates were going to try and replicate their 1gallon kits here. after a few months of researching tho i deduced the market here is just too small and we couldnt get the cost down enough to make me not feel like im ripping everyone off.

then Adrian here beat us to it anyway.


Their kits make some pretty good beers ive tasted a few! good for getting people into it as it's a small box and everything you need is there. i scare quite a few people off by showing them the equipment i use, no matter how much i stress it's easy to do!
saw a chick riding a penny farthing around the back streets of redfern today, made me think of this thread, it would have to be the ultimate fixie wouldn't it.

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