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Hey everyone,
Im Blake from the Sunny coast.
Been extract brewing for the past couple of months and kegging and absolutly been loving having beer on tap.
I work FIFO and have had a few quiet days this hitch and the internet got the better of me and i have purchased a Robobrew with pump and then up upgraded my kegerator to a new Kegking Kegerator with triple SS Intertap FC taps.
Another expensive hobbie to add to my already expansive list of expensive hobbies! And like the rest, the missus is on board!
Im still stuck at work for another week so i havent had the chance to get home and play.
I found this forum while researching as much as i can for when I get the chance to do my first all grain brew.
So much awesome information and also quality **** talk!
Great to have you on board mate. I recommend this to most FIFO workers (no affiliation) - the Inkbird ITC-310T. Combined with a fermentation fridge you can program it to set up a complete fermentation profile (7 days @ 18C, 2 days @ 21C, 3C for however many days until you get home), meaning you can brew a day before you leave, pitch your yeast, and come home two weeks later to fermented & chilled beer.
Cheers mate. Looks like a good device but I have already programmed the missus to look after it when im gone to make sure when I get home beer is cold, carbonated and on tap. And she really enjoys that sort of stuff as well. i have a 3 weeks on 3 weeks off roster so i usually have it sorted before I leave but if not its definitly done by the time i get home.
blakewell26 said:
Hey everyone,
Im Blake from the Sunny coast.
Been extract brewing for the past couple of months and kegging and absolutly been loving having beer on tap.
I work FIFO and have had a few quiet days this hitch and the internet got the better of me and i have purchased a Robobrew with pump and then up upgraded my kegerator to a new Kegking Kegerator with triple SS Intertap FC taps.
Another expensive hobbie to add to my already expansive list of expensive hobbies! And like the rest, the missus is on board!
Im still stuck at work for another week so i havent had the chance to get home and play.
I found this forum while researching as much as i can for when I get the chance to do my first all grain brew.
So much awesome information and also quality **** talk!
Welcome mate , you should check out your local club to get good prices on your grain and bulk hops.
Good idea. I definitely need to save some money after what I have spent this hitch on setting everything up. And will be good to learn a whole heap more. Cheers!

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