Help With A Partial Recipe For Schofferhofer Please

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i'm aiming to do my 2 nd partial soon... as in the next two weeks...i'm getting accurate temp control on thursday and wish to do a partial thats sorta like schofferhofer...well more like exactly like a schofferhofer but realise that, that might just not happen ;)
i love the banana flavours of this beer ...right there but not so much that ya can only drink 2 of them ...

just so you realise my limitations ...
i have
an ordinary esky (my mash tun gets wrapped up in a old donna) ,an exel spread sheet to give strike temp...
a thermometre...
2*15 litre stock pots that i split the wort into for hop additions and one i just boil to kill the nasties
a one ring burner...
a grain bag that'll hold about 2.8 kg grain
accurate temp control (well... on thursday i will anyway)
and bugger all knowledge ...

heres what i think (?) i know

am going to use say something like morgan golden sheaf (or whatever its called )
some malted barley grain ?how much ....what type? haven't a clue
some malted wheat grain? as above ?
mash temp...?please go easy (no step mashing please ...i don't even know what that is let alone have the gear to do it...)
a liquid yeast of some sort...(will make a starter ...)
hops haven't a bloody clue
ferment temp ....see below but very willing to change that ...
i did say something about not having a bloody clue as to what i'm doing didn't i?

ok apart from the little aspect of the specfics of the recipe this is what i thought i might do...people are encouraged to shoot me down in flames if what i write is crap ...

do the mash at 66/c for 1 hour in 7 lires water (up to 2.8 kg grain) (open to add extra fermentables as in the dry kind ,if needed)
add mash out water = 1ml per gram grain (near boiling) sit for 10 mins in esky
sparge at 75-77/c again 7 litres of water
boil wort 20 mins adding whirlafoc pill when boiling starts ...
add hops as per schedule (undertermined as of yet)
cool to 15/c pitch yeast starter...allow to ferment for 1-1&1/2 days at 16/c...then up her to 19/c for a couple of days... then up to 20/c for remainder of ferment...rack when ferment is over and cc for 1-2 weeks ...
then bulk prime with cane sugar according to this table below ...

Final Gravity Grams
1006-1008 180
1008-1010 160
1010-1014 140
1014-1018 120
1019-1025 100

anyone got any idea if these ferment temps will achieve the result i'm after ?
anyone able to fill any of the many blanks please?
add anything you think will help please...
cheers simpletotoro
If you follow some of the many hefe threads around these a glut of information about protein rests etc that won't necessarily help in your case.

I have a couple of lines from somewhere that suggests that schofferhofer (sp) can be cloned with a 60/40 wheat/pils malt split. So, recipe wise. Most wheat kits and wheat extracts are already a split of wheat/malt I believe so you would need to confirm that and look to combine the best combination of this and some additional malted wheat, the normal wheat malt, and pilsner in a partial mash.

Minimash technique wise you are looking to mimic a mash as close as possible so:

2.5-3L water per kg grain.

Sparge with as much water as you need to achieve your desired boil level, but it is generally more than mash amounts.

Many hefes are hopped with a single 60 minute addition of something noble to quite a low level, 8-15 IBUs, but I've tasted great ones with a flavour addition and even end additions as well...

A good hefe yeast, such as WLP300 or wyeast 3068? (check this number!!) or else try the new WB06.

Ferment for that banana flavour should be more around the 20 is my understanding.

More experienced hefe brewers than me will hopefully give you more info but here's a start...
i'd suggest finding a kind brewer in brizvegas and getting him or her to help with an AG brew on their rig. (bring heaps of good commercial beer)
you're making everything sound so complicated, i can't even read it all.
make porridge, sparge, boil, ferment.
watch someone else do it and it's that easy.
Many hefes are hopped with a single 60 minute addition of something noble to quite a low level, 8-15 IBUs, but I've tasted great ones with a flavour addition and even end additions as well...
do you think the kit give me the desired ibu's ?
and maybe what 5g or so of tettnanger (or something similar) @ 10 mins and same again @ 1 min..?
ok a 60/40 split for wheat/pils malt (i assume grain and dried to make up the fermentables in as much grain in a 60/40 split as i can do and the rest in same ratio dried )
and ferment at 19-20/c using one of the recommended yeasts

any idea if the mash temp was ok?
and protein rests (what the hell are they? :huh: never mind something else to learn about .... :) )

cheers for the link i'm sifting through it now ...looks good thanks will digest it and archive the info for fine tuning later in week....

thanks simpletotoro
Instead of the kit you could try a Morgans master blend as well. I think the wheat was 60/40 wheat/pilsner but I cannot remember for sure. That way you could do a full hopping schedule.

Still, you probably have more than enough information to digest at the moment.
as an alternative you could just do an 11 litre half size AG brew for kicks.

If you can mash 2.5 kg and boil the resultant wort all you need to do is take one of those simple AG recipes and halve it.
Keep it simple with a single step mash of 66/67c at a 3 litre perkg ratio.
ferment with wy 3068 or that new dried jobby at 18/20. Easy Peasy.

PM me if you need step by step help.

I've done heaps of em.
Instead of the kit you could try a Morgans master blend as well. I think the wheat was 60/40 wheat/pilsner but I cannot remember for sure. That way you could do a full hopping schedule.

Still, you probably have more than enough information to digest at the moment.
yep...thats a top idea i'll do just that..thanks!!
Not to rain on your parade, but I feel you'd be better off with a different style for your first partial mash.

Firstly, wheat beers can be made pretty well with extract or a kit. That's not to say that the AG version won't be better ;) but the yeast is the dominant factor here IMO.

Secondly, all that wheat CAN make sparging difficult. It's never been a big issue for my system, but it certainly can lead to a lot of trouble, something that's best to work up to with your system.

I think you'd be better off with some kind of pale ale for your first go. Something that's a bit more forgiving, moderately hopped with a hop you like, moderate gravity. You can go with some extract to supplement your grains. Anyway, not to put you off it if you want to go for it, but just an alternative. :p
thanks for the replies my recipe as folllows...
Schofferhofer Recipe

1* kg dried wheat malt
2.5 kg malted pils grain (german) [mashed 66/c for 1 hour in 12 litres of water]
1.5 kg malted wheat grain (australian)

25 g tettnang @ 60 mins
10 g tettnang @ 10 mins

yeast :wiezen dried yeast
1* whirlfloc tablet @ 15 mins

temp @ 18-19/c
chers totoro want a cloudy wheat beer dont you...???

A German hefeweizen should not have protein haze. The cloudy appearance should come from the low flocculating yeast.

That said, traditionally there would be no use of kettle clarifiers due to reinheitsgebot.

Toro, for future reference it's worth noting that you only need 1 whirlfloc tablet per 50 litres. They're easy enough to cut in half.

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