Help! Someone Carbonated My Beer!

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I've been brewing a dark ale. Coopers Dark Ale kit, 1kg light dry malt, about 300gm of speciality grains, about 20gm @ 20 minutes of hops, US-04 yeast at around 18-20 degrees

Well I got a bit busy and it ended up sitting in the primary fermenter for 5 weeks. I pored out a hydrometer reading and it was clearly fizzy, it even threw about a 1-2cm think foamy head. FG looked good (1.012) and it tasted pretty good, I could definitely feel a fizz when I tasted it.

Well I bottled it, although I had to stop filling short because of the think head (pulled 33 long necks out of a 23 litre batch). I primed with RAW sugar and scoop (used the 750ml end) which I'm a little worried about as there was obviously quite a bit of CO2 still in solution, but I figure I can burp the bottles (PET) to get it to a level I'm happy with.

Any hooo, I'm not really worried that much about it, I"m sure it will be fine. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I was just so surprised because the head was really think and creamy, really do hope the finished beer is the same.

Don't worry about it. You pretty much always get some dissolved CO2 after fermentation and before bottling. (Well I do anyhow...)
Yeah, I know, it's just that this beer threw a thick persistent head in the hydrometer tube. Never had a beer do that before. Made bottling a bit difficult.
Yeah, I know, it's just that this beer threw a thick persistent head in the hydrometer tube. Never had a beer do that before. Made bottling a bit difficult.

Are you using a lil bottler to do it? I've done away with mine and just come straight out of the tap. If you're getting heaps of head just reduce the flow a bit and try to do it on an angle.


What was the FG? I often get CO2 bubbles even after reaching FG but since I sit the beer on the yeast for a bit longer then cold condition it doesn't wreak havoc with bottling.
My current brew, it definitely makes it annoying to take hydro readings
lots of wheat and carapils
Can't you fill the tube up to the top, the push the hydrometer down to overflow the foam? That works ok for me.
That is a great idea, I normally just take the minimum required
I normally just expel air from my lungs via my mouth into the top of the tube to kill those mean little bubbles.
I normally just expel air from my lungs via my mouth into the top of the tube to kill those mean little bubbles.

I never thought of that. Saves wasting beer which can't be a bad thing.
I dunno what effect saliva might have on your FG though so keep it tidy.
My beer does not need any further assistance in that regard, but(t) thanks for the cheeky suggestion anyway.

The head was like a meringue, couldn't get rid of it so I just drank it :icon_drunk:

I hope it sticks around like that through to the glass anyway

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