Help! Need Some Black Lc T-shirts

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Hope someone can Help. I need to track down a couple of black LC t-shirts, size L. Anyone seen any at their local or anywhere else? Went to the brewery today and they have none. Thanks.
Out of curiosity, why black? Grey and white are the only colours I've seen for sale at the brewery, there are (or were) black ones floating around but they seem to be the domain of the marketing guys. Not sure if they have any anymore.
Out of curiosity, why black?
Johnny Cash was asked the same thing from time to time. By way of explanation, I believe he wrote a song... Good for him. From me, I'll simply state: All good t-shirts are black (bands, beer, whatever).
Are you calling dig fat?
Its because DIG is becoming an Brewing EMO....
Nah, not all that that fat considering my advanced age. Check out my profile picture if you like.

Black is just the traditional colour of attire for brewers. Well, this one anyway.
Are you calling dig fat?
I believe the correct term now according to the Macquarie dictionary is "salad dodger" however I shall say no more lest comments about pots, kettles and the absence of colour be cast at me :eek:
Black is just the traditional colour of attire for brewers. Well, this one anyway.

Cant you just wear one of the colonials t-shirts when brewing? Im confused :unsure:
Its because DIG is becoming an Brewing EMO....
More like the Roy Orbison or the Johnny Cash of ************************. I reckon if an emo kid were to taste a really good beer, he'd pull all that metal from his face, get a hair cut and fly to Belgium.
The LC online shop (here) only has white or grey. You may be best to attempt to develop a meaningful mutually beneficial relationship with someone who works there B) :icon_chickcheers:
I Own this Tee in Black, worn five to ten times....


Start the bidding :lol:
I betcha you do the long sleeve shirt underneath too... Mmmm.... haute elegance! :blink:

Warren -

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