Help! Forgot Glucose!

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I am such an idiot!

I forgot to put the glucose in the fermentor and it's been sitting there for maybe three days now! I've been putting a hot water bottle next to it twice a day and everything!

Is it possible to save it? Like just add glucose or do I start from scratch?
I would add now.
If your alternative is to ditch and start again, why wouldn't you try???
Just boil up the glucose in a small amount of water, let it cool then dump into the fermenter. it will be fine.
Just boil up the glucose in a small amount of water, let it cool then dump into the fermenter. it will be fine.

Agreed; dissolve it by boiling in water, cover with glad wrap until at a temp close to the fermentor and tip it in. It will not come out any worse, maybe even better as the yeast would not have been as stressed in the lower original gravity wort. In some really high alcohol beers it's common for brewers to add sugar at different stages to save stressing the yeast. Depending on what yeast and temps the fermenting has been at if it isn't still fermenting vigorously I would also rouse up the yeast of the bottom when you add the glucose.

Mostly agree.. boil the glucose up in some water... throw the lot in.
I wouldnt even cool it.
The net increase in temp of 100deg of 1litre will be negligible to 20 litres of 16 deg.
Will give the yeast something to think about too.
I do this all the time with HG Belgian beers.
do i have to wait till the temp goes down before i add it in?