Help a beginner please

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Just started brewing last week and put a brew on this friday, went away or the weekend and was going to check the SG level yesterday when i got back. Unpacked my new hydrometer just to see that it was broken in half. So now I have a brew which has been fermenting for 3 days, but no hydrometer to check it with.

Since it's my second time brewing (the first time was 7 years ago though) i have a few beginners questions regarding this situation.

1. My brew is not bubbling, which i thought it would be? I'm not sure if it has been doing it and stopped or if it hasn't started since i was away this weekend.

2. Where do i find a hydrometer in Brisbane? If i order on online and it takes a few days for it too come, does it matter if the brew is fermenting longer than it should?

3. Could a hydrometer broken in two still work?!

Thank you so much for the help!
I'll have a crack at this

1. My brew is not bubbling, which i thought it would be? I'm not sure if it has been doing it and stopped or if it hasn't started since i was away this weekend.
It may have started and stopped or your FV may not be airtight

2. Where do i find a hydrometer in Brisbane? If i order on online and it takes a few days for it too come, does it matter if the brew is fermenting longer than it should?
Google home brew shops Brisbane
I've had brews in FV for 3 weeks and they were fine

3. Could a hydrometer broken in two still work?!
No because as soon as you add weight ie glue or tape the calibration will change

Relax, buy a new hydrometer and have a home brew
^ Beaten to it.

Do you have any krausen (thick gooey shit) or bubbles on top of your brew? That will give you an indication that something is happening...or not. Also, what temperature is your fermenter at? Too cold and it may not kick off, although I just noticed that you're in Brisbane so guess that's probably not too much of an issue.
Big w will have one, they aren't great but will give yo a ball park.

Don't stress, leave it for another week.
Wow! Thanks so much for all answer and so quick!

It's quite chilly during the nights here still but I have checked the temperature every morning when i wake up and the lowest it's been is 19, so should be fine.

There is bubbles on the inside of the lid, can't really see any gooey shit on the top of the brew though.

If it turns out that the fermentation has stopped, is it just to add more yeast then? Or is it start all over again?

Will check Big W today!
If you've got bubbles, then there's probably some CO2 action there, may not be quite sealed properly to allow your airlock to bubble. Don't stress, like Yob said, give it another week. Sure it will be fine.
Likely that fermentation has slowed, do nothing until you know what the gravity is..

Beer always benefits from being left a bit longer than just reaching terminal gravity, it allows the yeast time to 'clean' the beer up, plenty or time to replace a quality hydrometer.. To be honest I wouldn't even worry about the big w one, just get 2 good quality ones, the only reason I suggested it was that it will put your mind at ease. I have one of those as a backup backup backup.
Could you give a recommendation on what hydrometer i should go for? Preferably not a too expensive one since I am just starting out with the brewing I dont wanna invest too much in equipment yet.
There are some on eBay that look to be ok but personally I'd get one from a HBS as its easier to return if there are issues and they are likely to only stock decent ones.
One of the site sponsors CraftBrewer is in Brisbane, Capalaba? I've never gone to cane toad country so only presuming that it's in the area based on post code. if they're close enough I'd be saying they're your best bet for anything and everything =)
PT options I believe are limited, but half hour by car to Capalaba. (Depending of course on where you are)


If you want an ebay option try >THIS<

Disclaimer.. I make no warranty for it's accuracy and don't own one myself.

>THIS< is the sort I have.

and I also have a >REFRACTOMETER< similar to this.. there are tables that you can use to adjust the reading if alcohol and yeast are in the sample, I tend to still use the hydrometer for post ferment readings.

etc. etc..
Waxiz said:
I am just starting out with the brewing I dont wanna invest too much in equipment yet.
Then Craftbrewer is the place for you...

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