Hello from the apple Isle

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Hi everyone from down here in Tasmania. Happy to be a part of this forum with the great wealth of knowledge of you all. I put my first batch down on Sunday (mangrove jacks blonde lager that came with the starter pack but switched out the dex for a no.2 coopers enhancer) and she started bubbling last night... A little excited. This is my first venture in to the homebrew world and can't wait to try my first creation.
Welcome and heaps of info. here on this site. Make sure you keep cleanliness up and sanitisation a habit, the results will be so worthwhile. Don't forget to sample your brew by drinking from the tube when you do your hydrometer checks.
Yeah thanks guys, I did try the first sample when I took the og. Some really nice flavours but hard to imagine what final result will be when it's warm, flat and quite sweet. I hit 1.045 on initial reading, but unsure as to what final should be but I've planned for it to be in the fermenter for at least 2 weeks trying to keep it at a steady 18oC. Kit came with some finnings so I planned to drop it in next Friday and bottle Sunday after. It's funny I've treated it like a baby for the first couple of days checking temp and making sure it's all tucked into its blankets lol. Because I'm making the move back to the Sunshine state towards the end of the year I didn't buy any heating for it but it's in my bedroom with an old jumper under it wrapped in two fitted sheets, a flannelette sheet light blanket and quilt which is doing the job. Missus is getting sick of the airlock bubbling already but I told her that's a sign of success and to put up with it lol.