Hello from Nova Scotia, Canada

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Hey everyone,

I'm Rob, from Nova Scotia. I brew on a 60L indoor electric BIAB rig that I built myself. I'm researching adding a dedicated HERMS to my system (will be adding a separate mash tun in that case). I found the dedicated HERMS thread here and just started wading through it. Figured I might as well sign up.

Cheers, and thanks for being metric!
RubberToe said:
Hey everyone,

I'm Rob, from Nova Scotia. I brew on a 60L indoor electric BIAB rig that I built myself. I'm researching adding a dedicated HERMS to my system (will be adding a separate mash tun in that case). I found the dedicated HERMS thread here and just started wading through it. Figured I might as well sign up.

Cheers, and thanks for being metric!
Welcome to the (metric) asylum :)
Welcome also from Adelaide. I bet controlling fermentation temps a lot easier in Canada than 40 degree heatwaves here? :)
Cheers, "eh"!

Yeah, fermentation fridge in the basement which is usually cool anyways.
Welcome. Happy brewing and keep an eye out for any suspicious looking French cargo ships loose in the harbour.