Hello from AA vic

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My names Dave and im an alcoholic :chug:

I have just put down my sixth kit brew after a 15year break. I have been mostly a vb man but not now after drinking my 24 day old Morgans bitter which I think ***** on it! apart from a green twang it is a fuller beer and holds alot better head :)

I am keen totry partial mashing and with the help from you folk I might adventualy fing the beer that I like....

Cheers Dave..
Welcome. But yeah not exactly a topic to joke about. A few members have given the hobby away due to alcoholism.

Have a good read around the site and gwt your swlf some brew books and check out john palmers how to brew (avail online). It will tremendously help your brewing
Thanks for the welcome. Yeah it was a bit stoopid! From what I have read so for John palmers book is a wealth of info..
Some of it outdated a bit, much of it still current, but it's a fantastic book to get your head around stuff, a good one to have on the shelf and just flick through every so often, he covers a fair bit in it..
Yeah but at the moment I don't think I need to hit the books that hard to get a decent kit brew down, like I said my 24 day old brew is more enjoyable than a vb stubby! So it is true that what I read on the forums that a bad home brew is called Vic :D
But you got involved here to make great beer yeah?

Lets leave vb analogies behind us and move on.. To great beer, not just something cold and alcoholic
T.T.B.Co said:
Yeah but at the moment I don't think I need to hit the books that hard to get a decent kit brew down, like I said my 24 day old brew is more enjoyable than a vb stubby! So it is true that what I read on the forums that a bad home brew is called Vic :D
I could just bang around a car engine and make half arsed efforts at doing stuff. Or I could get some knowledge and do it properly. I dont have to go amd do a mecchanics course at tafe but some reading will help my mechanical skills. Get the analogy?

And your right. Its not hard to make anything better than vb. But to do it with repeated success or to rival craft brew then kno we ledge is needed.

Try reading. Its very addictive. I was reading grain and hop specs, and all sorts of stuff when I got back jnto brewing years ago. Its becomes very addictive becuase its interesting. Books like radical brewing are just awsome. Its not a process book but all about history, using non traditional brewing ingrefiants etc and its just such an absorbing book. I can reread it constantly.

Again welcome and even if u just read stuff on ahb its a start.

Brew on

Ps please ignore stupid coopers instructions. They are just plain wrong. Ferment between 16-18c for ales. Not 24c. Thats just rubbish.
well I am not an alcoholic, just a drunk as I don't go to meetings
Yob said:
But you got involved here to make great beer yeah?

Lets leave vb analogies behind us and move on.. To great beer, not just something cold and alcoholic

At the moment I have no gear for mashing but have been searching forums trying to learn as much as possible on the subject Yob. I decided that AHB would be my home...
I'm unemployed for reasons other than being a slack arse! So im trying to get a few kits down for a stock pile and then I will concentrate on mashing.

I can't wait

Thanks Dave
Nothing wrong with kits and bits with due attention to detail mate, made some pretty damn nice beers from out of a tin myself, made some decidedly average ones too :lol:

I took my time to get into mash brewing learning all I could about process etc, waited and tinkered and then someone was selling an almost full setup (thanks Mario) for cheap and I jumped on it.

Dont let anyone rush you mate, take your time, learn the processes and above all...

enjoy the ride :)
citymorgue2 said:
I could just bang around a car engine and make half arsed efforts at doing stuff. Or I could get some knowledge and do it properly. I dont have to go amd do a mecchanics course at tafe but some reading will help my mechanical skills. Get the analogy?

And your right. Its not hard to make anything better than vb. But to do it with repeated success or to rival craft brew then kno we ledge is needed.

Try reading. Its very addictive. I was reading grain and hop specs, and all sorts of stuff when I got back jnto brewing years ago. Its becomes very addictive becuase its interesting. Books like radical brewing are just awsome. Its not a process book but all about history, using non traditional brewing ingrefiants etc and its just such an absorbing book. I can reread it constantly.

Again welcome and even if u just read stuff on ahb its a start.

Brew on

Ps please ignore stupid coopers instructions. They are just plain wrong. Ferment between 16-18c for ales. Not 24c. Thats just rubbish.
I have been reading thats what brings me here! lol.
This forum looks like a **** hot place to start mashing :super:
T.T.B.Co said:
Yeah but at the moment I don't think I need to hit the books that hard to get a decent kit brew down, like I said my 24 day old brew is more enjoyable than a vb stubby! So it is true that what I read on the forums that a bad home brew is called Vic :D
And my ex Girlfriend was a fantastic shag .... but my new ones better :p
Ducatiboy stu said:
well I am not an alcoholic, just a drunk as I don't go to meetings
Thats about about right stu!
The ozzie worker who has a few after work each day has earned it I recon...
Yob said:
Nothing wrong with kits and bits with due attention to detail mate, made some pretty damn nice beers from out of a tin myself, made some decidedly average ones too :lol:

I took my time to get into mash brewing learning all I could about process etc, waited and tinkered and then someone was selling an almost full setup (thanks Mario) for cheap and I jumped on it.

Dont let anyone rush you mate, take your time, learn the processes and above all...

enjoy the ride :)
Im not in a hurry so I will kick back and enjoy what I have for the moment ,even if its Green! **** brew #3 fermented for 5 days
and is 20 days bottled its way over carbed, But who dosnt like a big beer burp :blink:

Sorry if I heve missed other posts :) ...
Tipsy Topsy Brewing Co.

I thourght th at I would show my set up.


Here is my simple set up that cost me nothing apart from the Coopers Kit.

I had to sell my house for health reasons and move back home with Mum & Dad.
I did get to keep my fridge and snake enclosure! and a whole lot more of my prized possessions

The fridge is in working order for the warmer months but at the mo it has the snake enclosure thermo in it for the colder months.

So far I have no need for the heat just yet as it holds between 20 & 24c with the door ajar but can reach 26c when shut.
The freezer section is where I store the last batch and It's kept warm with a hot water bottle which I fill twice a day and it holds 18 to 20c most of the time. The diy esky is for the plastic bottles and is kept warm the same way.


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