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Well-Known Member
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Northmead, NSW
Hi all,

My names Chris. I've been enjoying reading and learning from you guys over the last few months.

Finally got my act together, made my login and introduced myself here!

I'll be posting soon in the partial mash thread, about some receipt tips to do my second partial/mini mash. Keen to do a Belgian dubbel.

Also, by day I roast coffee commercial full time for a speciality coffee roasting company in Sydney - have done so for over four years, and I started roasting coffee at home almost ten years ago. Via the classic starting ways of a bread maker with a heat gun. Then on to a 2.5 kg electric coffee roaster (that I need to sell) when I had my e-commerce coffee roasting business.

So which leads me to say, I've seen some threads - re coffee roasting etc. If anyone wants some roasting tips, please send me a message and I'll give you a hand - as best I can.

I'm keen to make better and better brews, so I'll be asking some questions soon :)

Welcome aboard Chris :beer:
Chris79 said:
I'll be posting soon in the partial mash thread, about some receipt tips
Shoe box will suffice for now, standard cardboard is OK but stainless is easier to clean.
Benn said:
Welcome aboard Chris :beer:
Shoe box will suffice for now, standard cardboard is OK but stainless is easier to clean.
Haha, I see what you did there. Welcome Chris, the more I read here, the more I want to know.