edit: for those who haven't seen the sopranos from go to whoa, please ignore this post - it is not as offensive as it seems and is not an attack from me to BBB but a good natured in-joke....
Lecterfan - Farrrrk off your joke isn't funny <_<
And oh this looks like a fish .... yes a bit on the small side considering I am 6 foot 5 inches .....
Yum beer - you go girlfriend ......
View attachment 46046
Trevally and all related subspecies don't count...(when caught by BBB)...
ITS A ***** (samson fish) and a bloody beauty ..... you bloody eastern staters, fish illiterate tax grabbers <_< .....
You calling "me" a tax grabber? You lousy ******* weekender fishkiller!
Fishing goes in the off topic forum.
My mistake BBB, but in all fairness the CSIRO "Australian Seafood" book classifies Samsons fish under the genus Seriola which is the same as Yellowtail Kingfish and reagards them colloquially as "trevallies" (as the Seriolinae are a subgenus of the Caranginae). I caught a TINY little samson at Busselton jetty and I have to say that it would pull what a Victorian calls a red snapper backwards...30lb braid and I though I had hooked a monster haha.
Sorry for the OT Haysie haha
You need to get out more brother ......
All the best to you CB, Work Sux.
edit: for those who haven't seen the sopranos from go to whoa, please ignore this post - it is not as offensive as it seems and is not an attack from me to BBB but a good natured in-joke....
Lecterfan - Farrrrk off your joke isn't funny <_<
And oh this looks like a fish .... yes a bit on the small side considering I am 6 foot 5 inches .....
Yum beer - you go girlfriend ......
View attachment 46046
I would now like to acknowledge all my posts in this thread have been off topic ..... I am mature enough to say that Drews Brews started this with his unashamed post grab ..... Drews 'man up' - an apology would be nice ....