Hb Article In The Age...

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I'm an IT project manager for a large govt department. What's a project or a thread without controversy or misunderstandings, hey?
Absolutely. Having a rant on here saves doing it to your project team. <_<
Absolutely. Having a rant on here saves doing it to your project team. <_<

I would be ranting at the team.... :p

If there anything like our I.T department which is a mult million dollor org which we built them a huge Data centre, handed it over to them and yep sure enough stuff things up....cant even run in a cat 5 cable

Absolutely. Having a rant on here saves doing it to your project team. <_<

Know where your at, but its no use taking it out on those who aren't the cause of your frustration. Take it out on the pricks who are. from one IT project manager to another.

You can make good friends and learn a lot over a beer here, at work you learn you have no friends and you can't have a beer while your there.
Bah, you two probably are PMBOK'ers.
Give me PRINCE2 any day, less arguments, more time to :party:

This is sooo off topic but... Gotta agree with davekate. No arguments with Prince2, you just chuck the 'Prince2 placemat' at em and say 'you've got to follow the process! PMBOK is too 'airey' but then again its only a set of principles not a process like Prince2. to get this back on topic. yes Prince2 is good cause it gives me more time to sit at my computer at work and write on AHB.

I was thinking of sending an email to the Epicure editor asking them to do a proper follow up story on HB. Incl K&K, AG, the lot. Who thinks that a good idea? On second thoughts its probably not. They might arse it up and make everyone look bad.
I was thinking of sending an email to the Epicure editor asking them to do a proper follow up story on HB. Incl K&K, AG, the lot. Who thinks that a good idea? On second thoughts its probably not. They might arse it up and make everyone look bad.
Great idea! To get this completely back on topic, why doesn't someone who knows all aspects of brewing and can string 2 words together write up an article to send in. If you take all of the work out of it and invite them around for a few magnificent AG brews then how can they say no?

Obviously I'm disqualified on both counts :p so are there any other volunteers?
I hope all you manager types are maintaining gantt charts for your brewing like this one

otherwise things could get out of control!
Nice. I Hadnt thought of the Gantt chart (god knows why). I might start using one. Cheers. If I was at home I could post the ridiculously long Excel spreadsheet i've got going, along with a seperate brewing notes document. I have a bit of an addictive personality and like to horde infomation. I have about 2GB of work emails from the past 3ys(most have no attachments or attachments over 1MB). SO my brewlogs are detailed with lots of pointless infomration like "I think I f*ked up this that or the other' note to self, dont do it while drinkning next time' etc. lots of pearls of wisdom.

EDIT - Im not qualified to do a proper letter/email. Im just a brewing **** kicker. Maybe someone like Doc?
To add my 2c to the newly completed k&k vs AG debate - I find this site has an abundance of useful info for both the K&Kers and the AGers and all those in between (lest i offend any other group).

Whats more, I have found that the AGers have been very friendly towards us mere K&Kers in giving us useful tips on temp control, hops and spec malt addition to improve our beers and techniques.

And to top it off it puts fellow brewers in touch with each other to organise to catch up, talk even more about brewing, sample brews, plan brews, ogle brewing bling and help each other improve our brews.

It has given me the confidence to step back and analyse every aspect of my brewing and improve it such that i am now ready to take the step to AG. All thanks to you lot. Group hug?! :huh:

Single most useful website i have found. Fullstop.

Thanks all and lets keep up the help with the occasional rant (it would be boring without it....)

Walks into room.......broken chairs........smashed glass......piano player sobbing............WTF HAPPENED HERE??!?!
i MISSED the argument.......
:lol: Look what you've done Jihad Devo!!

The natives are now totally restless. :blink:

Warren -
The natives are now totally restless. :blink:
Now you're talking Warren!

Oh and by the way tangent, if it wasn't for kit brewers do you think that there would be the selection of HB shops around (online or otherwise)? Do you think the prices would be the same? I don't think so.
I generally hate HB shops. (that excludes Craftbrewer) i like 25kg bags of malt, not ripoff tins of goo.
And to think that I logged on to see if anyone had an opinion on barleycorn's process/system.
Thought that being between houses and somewhat strapped for time and space i might give it a go and take the product home in a corny or two.
instead all I got was Collingwood vs Carlton
or K&K vs AG
same arguments
same result
keep drinking
am happily enjoying an all LME pilsner
I generally hate HB shops. (that excludes Craftbrewer) i like 25kg bags of malt, not ripoff tins of goo.

I am one of the survivors from the gun blast that just went off. As for the "tins of goo" I tend to source out "goo" in bulk. It works out cheaper to buy "goo" this way. A hell of a lot cheaper. Having experimented with AG and can kits, I am now dabbling in extract brewing or "goo" brewing. Having a real "goo" of a time.

I am one of the survivors from the gun blast that just went off. As for the "tins of goo" I tend to source out "goo" in bulk. It works out cheaper to buy "goo" this way. A hell of a lot cheaper. Having experimented with AG and can kits, I am now dabbling in extract brewing or "goo" brewing. Having a real "goo" of a time.


When I was partial mashing and K+K'ing, I found that bulk dried extract was easier to store and handle than bulk "goo". Was worth the extra $$

This thread is so far off topic...