Hb Article In The Age...

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It's taken MANY years for my mates to forget how bad my HB was - fermented at 25deg C with 1kg sugar...

Yeah, but the great thing about all those old HBs (and don't forget the taint of sodium met that
went with it :) ) is people asspciate that taste with HB and so when they taste mine,
even the lack lustre stuff, their eyebrows shoot up, and they say "hey! That's not bad!" :D
I thought the article was pretty good, all things considered. A mention of the fact that it doesn't all end with tins would have been nice, but I thought it was pretty thorough and positive. An article like that can only help to improve the perception of our hobby, so it's all good if you ask me.

Nowhere in there did it mention any shop names or preferences to methods so why are you guys so defensive and vindictive?

The Australian Home Brewing stores (which pander almost exclusively to the kit crowd) and the Barleycorn Brewers BOP both get a significant mention. :unsure:

Not that I really care, but I think PostModern's point is your exact same argument in reverse with respect to media more generally. In newspapers, for instance, all-grain brewing is basically invisible - home brewing means using a can of goo - and you're making the same argument about kit brewing here.
May those who have only ever brewed AG and never a K&K throw the first stone....!

Don't forget your roots fellas, it all about the journey not the destination.

That what I like about brewing it like life, it a learning experience and with a little hard work and perseverance you can be rewarded for your efforts.
The Australian Home Brewing stores (which pander almost exclusively to the kit crowd) and the Barleycorn Brewers BOP both get a significant mention
:( Point taken. I meant that the name Brewcraft wasn't actually mentioned.

Not that I really care, but I think PostModern's point is your exact same argument in reverse with respect to media more generally. In newspapers, for instance, all-grain brewing is basically invisible - home brewing means using a can of goo - and you're making the same argument about kit brewing here.

No I'm not. I'm not passing any sort of judgement on AG brewing and I admire the people who are so dedicated to their hobby. What annoys me is the patronising way that some AG brewers talk about kit brewing. It's almost as if it's something that kids do but will grow out of when they finally pass the AG rite of passage. Personally I'll never switch because I don't have the time plus I like strong ales so the stuff I can make from kits is pretty good by my palate.

I agree that the media don't give coverage to the AG methods but in general any media coverage is intended to get new people to give it a try. You are going to be much more successful in recruiting more people to the hobby if you can make it sound quick, easy and cheap. From what I've read about AG on here, it's not really any of those to start with.

What I was really annoyed about was a moderator alienating a large part of the membership.
Yeah, but the great thing about all those old HBs (and don't forget the taint of sodium met that
went with it :) ) is people asspciate that taste with HB and so when they taste mine,
even the lack lustre stuff, their eyebrows shoot up, and they say "hey! That's not bad!" :D

That is so true braufrau.
My mates are forever urging me to put more beer down, as these days they prefer to drink what I've got on tap instead of the 6-packs of premium "whatever" they bring around.
That's truly the best part of HB - you can make better beer than absolutely ANYTHING you can buy :beerbang:
have to spend hundreds of dollars on equipment before they start.

how is this different to golf, or archery or whatever else?

its K&K that gives HB a bad name IMO
You are going to be much more successful in recruiting more people to the hobby if you can make it sound quick, easy and cheap. From what I've read about AG on here, it's not really any of those to start with.

[quote name = 'wortgames'
I thought the article was pretty good, all things considered. A mention of the fact that it doesn't all end with tins would have been nice, but I thought it was pretty thorough and positive. An article like that can only help to improve the perception of our hobby, so it's all good if you ask me.

Lets obviously going to be some continuing disagreement on this article, but my 2c (not that its worth much) is generally the same as WortGames and Fazers point (and a few others). Any article promoting HB is good for the entire HB community. It raises the profile, attracts new members and most of all, is about brewing and getting people to care about what they drink. Surely everyone can agree on that regardless of preferance for AG, K&K, Partial etc? :huh:
What I was really annoyed about was a moderator alienating a large part of the membership.
I don't really care about the AG vs KK debate - who gives a ****? Just do whatever makes you happy. Personally I think you read too much into PostModern's post, but that's neither here nor there.

But, does being a moderator preclude someone from posting an opinion that might alienate others? I hope not. PostModern wasn't posting as a moderator, he was just posting his personal opinion.
FazerPete, I think you may be overreacting a bit. My take on PoMo's post certainly wasn't that it was some sort of patronising attack on k&k brewing, just a lament of that fact that the casual reader is left with this idea that home brewing is all about buying packets and following instructions. We all know that's not the case, regardless of the type of brewing you do - but that's the image it conveys. It suggests that home brewing wouldn't exist at all without the kit manufacturers, as though making beer at home is some kind of innovation due to modern technology - like making your own soft drinks or button badges or applying glittery studs to your own clothes.

Nobody disputes that k&k brewing represents the lion's share of the homebrew market, and nobody (edit - except Tangent, apparently :ph34r:) is trying to diss k&k brewers - it's just a bit of a shame that the skill of the brewer didn't get much of a mention, nor did those of us who invest hours into the entire brewing process from the base ingredients - in an article that supposedly talked about the 'advanced state' of the hobby. If I'm wrong I'm sure PoMo will correct me, but I doubt he was dissing extract brewers as such.

I thought the article was at least positive and fairly accurate - except the fact that it could so easily have been written 5 or even 10 years ago. The hobby has come a long way in that time and the 'cutting edge' is a bit more advanced these days.
bugger, we have been outed to the masses fella's. Run to the hills :p

Homebrew article

mmm instead of us all running to the hills from the regular megaswill population it looks like we are instead turning on each other for some healthy sectarian violence? :ph34r:

what's next, strapping on bomb vests made up of over fermented long necks at the next brew meeting??? Stand back, she's ready to blow!
REG: Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Swilldrinkers are the f'n Brewing People's Font.
P.F.J.: Yeah...
JUDITH: Splitters.
P.F.J.: Splitters...
FRANCIS: And the Popular Brewing People's Font.
P.F.J.: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
LORETTA: And the People's Font of Brewing.
P.F.J.: Yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
REG: What?
LORETTA: The People's Font of Brewing. Splitters.
REG: We're the People's Font of Brewing!
LORETTA: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Font.
REG: People's Font! C-huh.
FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Font, Reg?
REG: He's over there.
P.F.J.: Splitter!

Nice gown, PoMo. :lol:
WortGames, if I was just responding to this post then yes, you could say that I have overreacted. Unfortunately in my short time on this forum, this is one of many pot shots at kit brewing. If this wasn't such a great forum then I wouldn't care but the comments of a minority shouldn't be alienating the majority.

I think the article was very positive and probably could have mentioned AG to a greater extent to show that you can take this hobby as far as you want. However, just because it didn't doesn't mean it's another opportunity to have go at the kit brewers.

I DO NOT want to start some sort of AG v K&K debate because that's been done before and unlike some, I respect other people's choices. What I don't understand is why some people are so aggressively anti-kit brewing. What could it possibly have to do with them what other people do in their spare time?

Oh and by the way tangent, if it wasn't for kit brewers do you think that there would be the selection of HB shops around (online or otherwise)? Do you think the prices would be the same? I don't think so.
What I don't understand is why some people are so aggressively anti-kit brewing. What could it possibly have to do with them what other people do in their spare time?

In general it's none of my business, but this is a public forum, where we are free to discuss what we do in our spare time and hence make comment on it. If you don't like it, then don't participate in a public forum and keep your private life private.

Fair call. I must confess this has actually come as a bit of a surprise to me, I hadn't noticed an anti - kit element here at all. I know I'm probably guilty of assuming that people brew AG (or have kegs) occasionally but that's just laziness and ignorance on my part. 'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity' and all that.

It's also possible that some comments (made by me or others) are aimed at the 'old school' home brewers that turn out lousy beer and contribute to a shady reputation for the hobby as a whole.

I really hope there isn't a disrespectful bias one way or the other on this forum though, we're all brothers (and sisters) and diversity is critical to health of the hobby IMO.
Here we go again, another slam at the K&K guys by the AG people. All the article is doing is trying to raise the profile of homebrewing which can only be a good thing if you'd like cheaper products and more stores. Nowhere in there did it mention any shop names or preferences to methods so why are you guys so defensive and vindictive? Is the suggestion that all brewers should straight into AG? Yeah that's really going to get people into brewing when they have to spend hundreds of dollars on equipment before they start. Get real.

What disappoints me PostModern is that you are a moderator and should be respectful all members regardless of what they make and how they do it. Can you just come out now and finally tell us that you don't want any non-AG brewers on this site so that we can stop bothering you mighty AG geniuses?

Take it easy, I've only been brewing AG for a year. All I said was that the article took the view that home brewers mix cans of extract in their kitchen. Much of the forward guard in brewing is AG, of which the article said nothing except that it's a mess. It doesn't cast a good light on what we do, nor explain to prospective brewers where they hobby could lead, nor explain to people that beer is made from grain. You'd be surprised how many people in the general population have no idea that it is.

Do you think that the kit makers would have such variety in kits available to the extract brewers if the AG movement hadn't started resurrecting styles? Hell, Porter was brought back from death by American homebrewers, now it's in kits and Lion Nathan make it!

Your response has far more venom than it's worth. Geez, we all started out with a tin opener and big spoon. I still use mine as a mash paddle.

FazerPete, I think you may be overreacting a bit. My take on PoMo's post certainly wasn't that it was some sort of patronising attack on k&k brewing, just a lament of that fact that the casual reader is left with this idea that home brewing is all about buying packets and following instructions....

...If I'm wrong I'm sure PoMo will correct me, but I doubt he was dissing extract brewers as such.

I thought the article was at least positive and fairly accurate - except the fact that it could so easily have been written 5 or even 10 years ago. The hobby has come a long way in that time and the 'cutting edge' is a bit more advanced these days.

Yes indeed, you read me right Wortgames. I think some kit brewers think "can of goop" is a derogatory term. Not at all, I used the term with affection ;)

Nice gown, PoMo. :lol:

OK Loretta. :p

I didn't mean for my post to start a kit vs AG debate. I merely pointed out that the article presented a one-eyed view of the hobby. OK? Now can we get on with bagging Pat or something?
Perhaps I'm just sensitive or need to get more sleep at night. Anway I've vented my spleen and am over it now so time for a homebrew...or can of rehydrated goo ;)
Harden up FazerPete, you won't get far in life if you need to start a confrontation everytime someone says something you don't like. ;)

As for the article, I thought it was pretty good though it is a shame that independents like G&G didn't get a mention, especially since they run demonstration brews etc. I'd rather see more promotion of legitimate beer appreciation than a focus on homebrewing though.
Harden up FazerPete, you won't get far in life if you need to start a confrontation everytime someone says something you don't like. ;)

Funnily enough, I'm the least confrontational person I know but sometimes I feel I need to say something.
Thanks for the advice though and one day I really hope to get on in my career. I'm just an IT project manager for a large multi-national but I'll get there. :unsure:
I'm just an IT project manager for a large multi-national but I'll get there. :unsure:

I'm an IT project manager for a large govt department. What's a project or a thread without controversy or misunderstandings, hey?
