It is dependent on Ca concentration (not saturation), as explained in my post above.
I'm not sure what you are asking in the second sentence so I can't answer.
I think what
@timmi9191 is referring to is about calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate (and particularly hydroxyl apatite) being less saturated at lower pH. This is explained in short on page 115 & 116 or more thoroughly on page 253 "Example 3 - Determining calcium loss from Phosphoric acid additions" - Appendix B in the book 'Water - A comprehensive Guide for Brewers' Palmer/Kaminski, Brewers Publications 2013. Appendix B was contributed by A.J. deLange and he has used the term calcium saturation, when concentration may be more appropriate.
For those that don't have the book , but are interested I summarise below; (for about $25 delivered to your door, just buy it)
In short deLange states that apatite precipitation as a function of phosphoric acid addition can't be predicted as the mechanisms are hard to model. He further states that the saturation levels of calcium that can be tolerated before the onset of precipitation as a function of pH can be calculated. He says that the saturation limit is conveyed by "Sat. Ca+2; H2PO4; pH(X).
DeLange provides charts which show the remaining alkalinity of water after acidification and saturating (WRT Apatite, pKs=114) calcium concentration if brought to pH with phosphoric acid. These are done with differing Total Alkalinity concentrations (as CaCO3) [at 50, 100, 150 & 200ppm] and source water pH levels that have been acidified with phosphoric acid to pH 5.2, 5.5, 5.75 & 6. They show the respective saturation levels and calcium concentrations.
DeLange states that "the saturation limit for calcium increases the more you acidify", however, "the calcium saturation limit decrease with increasing total alkalinity level". For example;
- for a source water with 16mg/L Ca, 50ppm CaCO3, a pH of 7.5 and using phosphoric acid to reduce it to pH of 6 the calcium saturation limit is about 40mg/L. Meaning concentrations of calcium above 40mg/L will likely precipitate out as apatite, but concentrations of calcium below won't. Not great right, because if you added 150mg/L Ca to the original 16mg/L Ca it would be reduced to 40mg/L or just under.
- That same pH 7.5 source water acidified to pH 5.5 by phosphoric acid has a calcium saturation limit is of 400mg/L, meaning that one would need to up the Ca concentration to be 400mg/L or higher to start losing Ca to precipitation into apatite.
However, with increasing total alkalinity, for example, a source water with;
- 100ppm CaCO3, 7.5 pH then acidified to pH 6 the calcium saturation limit is just over 20mg/L Ca and acidified to pH 5.5 it is around 180mg/L Ca.
- 150ppm CaCO3, 7.5 pH then acidified to pH 6 the calcium saturation limit is about 20mg/L Ca and acidified to pH 5.5 is about 110mg/L Ca.
- 200ppm CaCO3, 7.5 pH, then acidified to pH 6 has a calcium saturation limit of about 20mg/L Ca and acidification to pH 5.5 has a calcium saturation limit of about 80mg/L Ca.
If you add Ca salt additions above those 'Ca saturation limit' concentrations then you are as LC and MHB said 'making expensive silt'.
So in short, if you have higher Total Alkalinity water to begin with and need to move the water pH down with phosphoric acid then, you should ensure you know what you are doing or probably look elsewhere or add your Ca additions to the boil so as to not lose significant amounts.
My Adelaide tap water has total alkalinity of 44 mg/L CaCO3, so I add Ca salts to the mash and very occasionally acidified malt (lactic acid essentially) and acidify my sparge water with phosphoric acid (aiming for pH 5.4, but often going under that). But if I ever did need to add acid to the mash, due to being out of acidified malt, I would not hesitate as I know that the Ca levels wouldn't be precipitated out as apatite.
EDIT - It appears that there is an error in the text of the book that threw-out my reading of the lower numbers on the charts. I have changed these to reflect the values provided in the charts, ie 4mg/L was actually 40mg/L on the chart.
Also what I didn't cover in the above is that if you add your Ca salts to the mash and measure the mash pH to be 5.75, but want to acidify to 5.6 to 5.2, even with 200ppm CaCO3 water, your calcium saturation limit is very high (above 200mg/L Ca) so to use phosphoric to do so should not reduce the Ca concentrations through extra precipitation as apatite.
Also, deLange modelled his results with CaSO4, not CaCl. He states if the SO4-to-Cl ratio is less than 1:2 or no SO4 at all (in the source water or by additions) then cut the Ca saturation values in half.