Hag Brew Day At Potters

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Notice to any Hunter All Grain brewers.

A brew day has been talked about around Newcastle and the Hunter for some time now, its up and Sunday is the big day.
If there are any local or interested Mash Brewers who havent heard; these are the details as distributed locally.

There are still a couple of places available - if you are interested act quickly.

Marks Home Brew

Hi Hag's
Well the day is coming and I am just filling in the details.

The buss leaves from the shop at 9:00 AM.

Potters opens at 10:00 AM. David and Scotty will have mashed in by the time we arrive. If you are arranging your own transport, please meet us at Potters at 10:00 AM.

We get to look around - watch the runoff and the start of the boil.

Lunch at around 12:30 - 1:00 PM, the cost of lunch is included in the ticket price. We have arranged to use the BBQ area and will have a chef on hand to cook the meat. A full menu can be found at the end.

After lunch we will get the "cooks tour" so we can catch up on the bits of the process we have missed. I am bringing an order up for Brent we will have it cracked on the mill at Potters, so we all get to see an industrial mill in action (even if only briefly). It will be interesting to see the difference between the "commercial" grist and what we are turning out.

We plan to leave at about 3:00 - 3:30 PM and arrive back at the shop no later than 4:30 PM.

We are brewing a Bohemian Lager, fully hoped with Hallertau an S-23 yeast is included with each cube, those that find their own way there and back should be able to take their cube with them at the end of the day (they will be HOT so be careful).
We will put your names on the cubes and they can be collected from the shop after Monday, up to 10 extras will be made if you want an extra at $35 - get your hand up fast, first in first served.

I hope this; the first Hunter All Grain day goes well. We should all get the opportunity to experience another aspect of brewing, hopefully learn heaps as well as enjoying the some fine beers and the company of like minded brewers.

We have 23 confirmed places; there is room for 25-27 people, if you have not yet confirmed and want to come please contact me immediately.
If your circumstances change let me know at the earliest opportunity.

The cost for the day including the buss, lunch and a cube of fresh wort each is $75.00. To keep things as fair as possible, the same fee applies to all, however you arrive. Payment can be made at any time up to the start at 10:00 AM Sunday 10/09/06.


Marks Home Brew
18 Maitland Rd
Islington 2296
49 696 696

At the Gateway to the Hunter

Brewery Room BBQ

Relax with your guests and enjoy our Gourmet BBQ cooked to order by our award-wining chef

300g Emerald Hill Rump Steak
Marinated Chicken Breast

Served with..Chefs Condiments

Tossed Garden Salad w Honey Mustard Vinaigrette
Traditional Caesar Salad w Creamy Dressing
Greek Salad w Local Marinated Fetta
German Potato Salad
Creamy Pasta Salad
Crusty Dinner Rolls & Butter
Thanks for the PM's and e-mails.
Now looks like 24 confirmed and 1-2 possible.

Just a couple of clarifications
- You dont have to book your lunch choices, just let the chef know on the day.
- The beer is a Bohemian Lager; no we can't make you something else, unless you want 600L of something else.
- The bus and driver is the biggest expense for the day; we are trying to spread the bill as broadly as possible, so everyone is paying the same, whether you drive your self or not.

If you have any other questions - please contact me.

If you have any other questions - please contact me.


Mark - look forward to the day. Can we have all fella's in good covered footware and as we are fast approaching 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' everyone will be classed as 'me scurvy dogs'!

Scotty - Your Capt'n for the event - Har Haarrr!
Must be the start of silly season
Locally we have:-
Today, BJCP
Sunday, HAG Day at Potters
Next Friday, Shawn's Goodbye Drinks, still a couple of places at this one

But HAG Day is fully booked ; if you havent prearranged a place please dont turn up.

- The beer is a Bohemian Lager; no we can't make you something else, unless you want 600L of something else.
...and if I do want 600 litres of something else, should I mention it now?

Do you still have any of the prototype recipes for the PigIron lager? ( :lol: , that's p!ss funny!)

I s'pose a wheat beer is out of the question?

Just asking...C U @ the BJCP tasting at my place this arvo.

Seth out :p

* edit - P.S. I have already arranged to wear my black gumboots for the HAG day at Potters, as I know there is a dress standard to be maintained.
Hey Ho,

my thanks to everyone who went along.

I will leave it to others to post photos; let me just say the company was excellent, the beer mighty fine, and the day a thorough success.

Thanks to Mark for the organisation and I am definitely looking forward to the next event.


Thanks for helping to make the first HAG day one to remember.
I will post some pix and details of the brew over the next couple of days.

The wort packs are on the floor and ready for collection.
The CD of the day will be ready by the weekend; if you have any top shots e-mail them to me for inclusion.

For those that left quickly, we had a surprise drop-in at the shop by David Hollyoake (Redoak) just after the bus dropped us off.
Looks like the next HAG day might be at Redoak.

I hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did.
A special thanks goes to the staff at Potters Hotel and Brewery for the fine food and beer (all the beers before lunch were supplied by the brewery), to David and Scotty from NNL for answering lots of questions, turning out a wort that smell and tastes fantastic and for putting on a keg their signature beer - Sparkling Blond later in the day.

To all who participated- Thank you.
For those that drove, thanks for drinking responsibly.

We have to do this again

View attachment 9053
The bitter enders
i wanted to go but i had walls to paint to sell my house

Also looking forward to more of these in the future so i can go :)

is that a gun in your pocket weizguy or are you just happy to see everyone?


I drove past Potters at about 12.30 when it was pissing down and thought "you lucky bastards". Even with the weather being crap it still must have been well worth it.

Maybe next year.


What a fantastic day! With what I've been through in the last 6 months it was a great day to just get out and let my hair down (and for those that weren't there, I only just have more hair than SJW)

A big thank you to MHB for organising the day (and for "protecting" me from stray photographs!) and to all those that attended for making it a great day. Again a big thank you.

Yep, what a top day out. A great bunch of people, good food and plenty of good beer.

thanks Mark, David and Scotty for a great day.
is that a gun in your pocket weizguy or are you just happy to see everyone?


.... no that's actually my Saison but he's probably still happy about it :p

Thanks to Mark for organising it and to the Guys at the brewery who put on a good show.. Was a great day of good beer and good company.


I also echo what has been said. A great day and a good chance to meet a few new local brewers and talk beer.

Thanks MHB, Keith, David and Scotty for organising and running the day.

Can't wait to do something like this again.
Sounds like a great day fellas. Top work by Mark, Keith, Dave and Scott organising it all. I was really upset to miss out this time... Let's just say I was thinking of you lot while grouting the bathroom :rolleyes: Bloody moving house...

Gough, the HAG event after the next will be where you work, we missed your company but you wont be able to getaway from us that easily - grouting indeed, what a feeble excuse.
View attachment 9060
From left to right along the front
Steve, Borret, a little bit of Lachlan, nOOch, Rob, some of Samus, Weizguy, Bill, Offline (I think), Trent, the shiny one at the back is SJW, in-front of him is the follicularly challenged Stephen, Keith the beer guy with the permanently attached Doggies cap, Goathearder, Geoff, Craig and Bruce.

Along the back row
Scotty, Scotty's assistant, David and me (MHB)

There are another couple who couldnt be pried away from the bar

It's almost embarrassing having your photo taken in a room full of guys who can only handle a 6oz glass of beer at a time...... :p

Sorry it had to be said. ;)


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