Grumpys On 17th September

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deebee said:
Looks like Friday night is a goer so I will catch a tram into town and meet up with TDA about 6.30 or earlier if I can get away in time and call him.


I think I have emailed all the Adelaide guys on here :unsure: !

If not and you are interested in coming out to meet deebee on Friday in the city it's a 6:30 kick off at the German Club, Flinders St. Eat some pork knuckle, have a few beers and then check out the Belgian. Your all welcome :party:

I will be at Grumps on Saturday and will hopefully make it to the German club on Friday. Still has to be negotiated with the boss.
I hope you Crow Boys are gentle with Deebee, he's got a Sandgropetoberfest to organise the week after.
I will have no trouble in getting away this arvo and will be meeting up with TDA around 5.30-5.45 and then at the German Club soon after.

I will bring along a longneck and see if we get a chance to drink it.

Then tomorrow night at Grumpys, phew... On the turps every night since I got here and feeling a bit rare at the moment. Probably just need some pork knuckle and I'll be right.
I'll be early tonight so I'll head in to the city for around 5:45 - 6pm. I'll only be able to have 1 or two though as I'll be driving :(

Seeyas there
deebee, I would save the longneck for Grumpsters, don't know if the German club will take too kindly to BYO :(

I will check to be sure.

I should be able to get in there early too. You will be able to pick me as I will be the one with the pint ;)
i'll be there early too and will grab a cheap $2.00 schooner of coopers for a primer during happy hour which runs between 5:50 and 6:30 . Sadly happy hour doesn't apply to imported/german beers.
roach said:
i'll be there early too and will grab a cheap $2.00 schooner of coopers for a primer during happy hour which runs between 5:50 and 6:30 . Sadly happy hour doesn't apply to imported/german beers.

My office is in a hell of a location, about half way between the German and the Belgian - a couple of minutes walk from either :lol: .

I should be there for happy hour too.

awrabest, stu
just got back from the German club as I could only stay for a few pints(Erdinger Weisse and DAB). Things were just starting to warm up!

Was great to meet deebee and catch up many of local AHB community - Jayse, TDA, tdh, Boots, Kai, Pedro(gulf), SteveSA, MAH, Wee Stu. Apologies if I have left anyone out.

Im sure there will be an update 2morow on the events.
roach said:
just got back from the German club as I could only stay for a few pints(Erdinger Weisse and DAB). Things were just starting to warm up!

Was great to meet deebee and catch up many of local AHB community - Jayse, TDA, tdh, Boots, Kai, Pedro(gulf), SteveSA, MAH, Wee Stu. Apologies if I have left anyone out.

Im sure there will be an update 2morow on the events.
Guess me and AnthonyMac are just not very memorable :(

I managed to hang around a little longer and made it to the Belgian for a Hooegarden Grand Cru. The boys were still going when I left.

Now to prepare for tonight at Grumpy's.

Should be some pics up later as Kai was snapping away with his phone.
My doctor will be pleased with me - what, about 3 weeks allowed alcohol in one session? :D And that was just the Tripel Karmeliet and Gulden Draak to round the evening out.

It was a top night, and I left Deebee safely in the taxi heading to his hotel in Glenelg. I never realised how early the trams stopped running in sleepy old Adelaide :lol:

Don't think I have the stamina for Grumpys I'm afraid - and beside there is a certain footy match to park my bum in front of. Of course depending on that result, I might have to ignore medical advice again and drown my sorrows.

awrabest Dave, enjoy the rest of your stay.
Aaron said:
Guess me and AnthonyMac are just not very memorable :(

Should be some pics up later as Kai was snapping away with his phone.

Sorry Aaron. I must have been sub consciously dirty on you for winning the door prize at the recent MSB night :ph34r: . Good to catch up with AnthonyMac and your self also.

Looking forward to seeing Kai's photos

Should be a top night up at the Grumps and almost tempted to come up, but would have a few of my junior apprentice brewers in tow, as SWMBO is interstate for the weekend. Tho the kids certainly love those pizza's mmmmmmm :party:
Should catch you punters at Grumpy's tonight for a quicky or 3.

BYO Oktoberfest no probs, anyone alse keen to drag some HB in is welcome.

Thanks Aaron. Will prolly get there early with the little ones in tow for a pizza and a few half pints. Was gonna brew a CAP today, but will watch the footy this arvo, head up to grumps and do a brew tomorrow instead.
Thick head this morning <_<

Top night, was great to meet deebee and chat over beers (love the Tripel Karmelite :super: )

Great turn out by the SA AHB chapter, all in fine form as well.

Hope the night at Grumpy's goes well.

roach said:
what time is it kicking off tdh?

I got the impression deebee was planning to be up there from some time in the early afternoon?

But then again, what information my brain was capable of processing after midnight is questionable at best :blink
MMMMMMMM................this sounds tempting,even though I've gotta be @ work @ 6 in the mornin :angry: (sunday) to spread mulch for the corporation(albeit at double time). <_<

Who exactly is comin up?

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