Growing Hops

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Spartan 117

Well-Known Member
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Hey Guy's,

I recently purchased a hop rhizome and am planning to grow it in a pot rather than the garden as i live in a rental property. My question is how high does the "T-bar" with the guide wire need to be. I've joined two pieces of pine together and they meassure about 1.7m tall. Will it be tall enough ? I also dont want it to go crazy and grow all over the place I'd be happy to get ehough hops for a brew or 2 a year.


Read my unfinished guide in the article section.

I have mine at 4.2m and they grew to the top and back down on themselves in their first year.

1.7m will be OK, but the more height the merrier.
Read my unfinished guide in the article section.

Have done already, thanks for posting it. Think I'll leave it at 1.7 then might make it easier for harvesting aswell being at head hieght with it.

First year in the pot may it may only grow a medium amount as the rhizome is still growing. 1.7m should be plenty I reckon.

My first year plants last year only got to about that height when in pots.
First year in the pot may it may only grow a medium amount as the rhizome is still growing. 1.7m should be plenty I reckon.

My first year plants last year only got to about that height when in pots.

yeah i was wondering about that given that they're going to be in pots i doubt they'll get to the heights quoted when in the grouns makes sence I suppose smaller root system and all.

The taller the better but the hop bines will take what you give them. My first year hops (in the ground) are at 6 meters and still climbing, this at a little after 2 months since they sprouted. Make sure you are using a sizable pot (5 gallon bucket size or bigger). Best of luck!
Don't think being in a pot will stunt growth. This years chinook grew from a pot to the roof then along the side of the house - another 4 metres at least!
If you've got it in a pot, and only a limited amount of height available, you may like to consider the adjustable height wire setup as shown recently on the Basic Brewing video: "March 23, 2009 - Homegrown Barley and Container Hops"
Basically its pole with a loop at the top that a wire runs through, when the hop bine gets to the top of the wire, he 'winds it down' so they are always growing upward - which they like - but the actual height of the pole is still fixed (watch the video if you don't understand my dodgy interpretation). :)