Hello, great site you have here! It seems to have a good flow of activity, which encouraged me to sign up.
I found this place through BIABrewer, and liked the overall content/demeanor relative to other popular sites based in my own country.
I've been brewing 23L batches BIAB style for about 4 months now, all of the IPA/APA variety. To say I am consumed by this new hobby would be an understatement. I never expected my beer to be this good, this quickly.
I've been quite taken by Galaxy hops as well, although I'm sure they are commonplace to most on here? I wish the US could get a steady flow of them, so I don't feel compelled to hoard what I have.
I look forward to picking your brains as well as contributing something positive to the community.
I found this place through BIABrewer, and liked the overall content/demeanor relative to other popular sites based in my own country.
I've been brewing 23L batches BIAB style for about 4 months now, all of the IPA/APA variety. To say I am consumed by this new hobby would be an understatement. I never expected my beer to be this good, this quickly.
I've been quite taken by Galaxy hops as well, although I'm sure they are commonplace to most on here? I wish the US could get a steady flow of them, so I don't feel compelled to hoard what I have.
I look forward to picking your brains as well as contributing something positive to the community.