Greetings from Narrabri

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Hi all,

Just joined the forum. I've been brewing for 19 yrs, extract and AG, but due to $$ and repeated moves across the pond (and consequent abandoning of heavy gear), I'm starting from scratch again, with extract. I live in Narrabri NSW, 2 hrs NW of Tamworth, and moved here after 5 yrs in California and 7 yrs before that in Canberra. Another 7 yrs in Utah, where I started brewing.

I'm discovering that it's pretty pricey to get gear and ingredients out here to the edge of nowhere (I know as soon as I say that, someone from 1000 km west of Bourke will chime in :). Any others on this forum in this general vicinity?

Here's to good beer, and big beer!

Happy Festivus,
Welcome schrodinger.

I'm in the same boat as you having moved from Brisbane to Tassie and having divested myself of my kegging equipment have found it considerably harder to reacquire here.

My guess would be to either fit in a plan to go to Brisbane or Hunter to visit a retailer who will help you.

Ross and Anthony at Craftbrewer in BNE would be my choice as they helped me design my old system.
Hi Schrodinger, have a look through the websites of the site sponsors at the top. If you cant find what your looking for on their websites give them a bell. They ship all over the country, some overseas.

Cheers Brad
Hi Raja and Brad,

Thanks for the advice! Raj, good call to plan a trip to Brissie... shipping is an issue -- both delays (due to crappy local couriers who won't deliver out of town, and just sit on parcels) and cost for larger items. Such is life. Brad, thanks, I hadn't been aware of those other sponsors' sites.

Hi Shrodinger, i'm based in Tamworth, give me an email through my site if there's anything i can help you with. I go through a lot of grain and hops because i like beer much too much.

Not enough allgrain brewers round here or i would stock much more beer stuff.
Great to have an experienced brewer join the forum. It's an awesome community. Welcome!
schrodinger said:
Hi all,

Just joined the forum. I've been brewing for 19 yrs, extract and AG, but due to $$ and repeated moves across the pond (and consequent abandoning of heavy gear), I'm starting from scratch again, with extract. I live in Narrabri NSW, 2 hrs NW of Tamworth, and moved here after 5 yrs in California and 7 yrs before that in Canberra. Another 7 yrs in Utah, where I started brewing.

I'm discovering that it's pretty pricey to get gear and ingredients out here to the edge of nowhere (I know as soon as I say that, someone from 1000 km west of Bourke will chime in :). Any others on this forum in this general vicinity?

Here's to good beer, and big beer!

Happy Festivus,
Welcome Schrodinger
I'm in Armidale and have faced the same sort of issues especially once I moved into AG. Because I move about with my job quite a bit I try and grab what I need when I'm in the 'big smoke' but more often I get grain sent up on consignment using one of the local freight companies. There will be guys in Narrabri who use a freight depot in Sydney and if you can get a HBS to leave grain there, your local guys can bring it back. PM me if you want the name of the guy that I use for this.
Hops and yeast are a bit trickier but in that case you just have to order the little fridgy packs to go with your order and hope that the package doesn't spend too long getting to you.
All the best,
Thanks all. Punkin and ToG, I appreciate the offer and will certainly be in touch -- thanks!

Hey Schrodinger, welcome to the fray.

I lived in Narrabri when I was a litle tacker...that wet thing that runs through town once ran through our house....

I'm pretty sure I'm still talked about with fondness around the place... :D

When your a bit out of the way( a bit the same myself), post is your friend..also your enemy. It costs more for your gear, but you don't have to fight city traffic a good IPA its all about balance.
Good old Narrabri. Had a very funny experience there, which involved about 20 people streaking down the 18th at the golf course at midnight. Bloody hilarious.
Was working in Narrabri for a week recently and searched AHB to see if there were any brewers in town to contact with the view to having a beer together. Not a one - now you pop your head up :lol:


PM me next time you're in town. With any luck I'll have my kegerator (and some kegs with a nice all-Galaxy IPA) by then.

Happy Festivus,
I know a couple of top notch steam collectors in your town that are interested in learning to make all grain beer, ever had an interest in steam?

Could be you could learn from each other.
Hey Punkin,
Steam collectors... Took me a minute! I've never dabbled in it (when I buy such things they tend to disappear too quickly for my own good). But it'd be great to hook up with other locals when I get the AG system up and running. Are they on AHB?
schrodinger said:

PM me next time you're in town. With any luck I'll have my kegerator (and some kegs with a nice all-Galaxy IPA) by then.

Happy Festivus,
Will Do!

Zwanzig dritten ist der tag

schrodinger said:
Hey Punkin,
Steam collectors... Took me a minute! I've never dabbled in it (when I buy such things they tend to disappear too quickly for my own good). But it'd be great to hook up with other locals when I get the AG system up and running. Are they on AHB?
No mate.