Gravity Of The Boil

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Hi All,

I have been told that the gravity of the boil can have an effect on the amount of the bitterness that is extreacted from the hops. I have just started doing some partial mash brews and only have access to a 15 litre pot. I usually just boil the wort form the steeped grains with the hops and add the malt extract at the end of the boil.

Does the gravity have an effect on bitterness and is there a way of calculating it?

Will it also effect the flavour that is extracted from the hops?


BTW I use hop pellets if that makes a difference
total malt / boil volume x final volume = malt in boil is the way I work it out. Your best plan of attack is to boil the hops in the same gravity wort as your planned OG will be. You can work out how much water to add with the malt by using this nifty calc;idDetails=107, so you will know the gravity of the boil. Hope this helps :)
Jesse, with smaller volume high gravity boils you'll use more hops to get the same IBUs in the final wort volume (if tht makes sense :rolleyes: ). I use the Franklin Homebrewers Calculator - it's US imperial but easy enough to convert.

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