Grand Ridge Brewery Box Set

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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
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South Australia
When I bought the box set I reviewed in this thread, I also bought a box set of Grand Ridge Brewery. I was somewhat nervous that I had made a bad decision twice, especially after seeing this thread. However, it has been bought and come hell or high water I'm going to give it a go, even if I live to regret it.

Natural Blonde
It smells like typical commercial beer. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about- it reminds me of many nights at teenage parties at about 4 in the morning after a shitload of VB, West End and Coopers has been consumed and spilled on the ground, and there is that stale beery smell in the air. You know, that one. It tastes... all right. It's incredibly neutral, if I was totally thirsty and it was 38C like it was last week I probably would enjoy it a little more. However it is not, and I'm left feeling a little empty... Oh well. There's more beers to come, so I'm hoping that this is the worst of the box...
Moonlight Nut Brown Ale

When I opened this, it was a boy before I got to the glass, so I got a smidge of the flavour first. Wasn't happy with the initial taste, but trying to move on... Smells kinda nutty and syrupy. And sweet. Really sweet aroma. tastes overwhelmingly smoky. It has two very strong flavours that don't work together very well- it's incredibly smoky, and it is incredibly treacle flavoured. While a smoky beer tastes great when done well, and while a syrupy, treacly beer tastes great, they are qualities that don't really go well together.
Brewer's Pilsener Lager

That name rings alarms. The names for their beers are all so strange. Aroma almost nonexistent. This is like their blonde but more lager-like. You know, like Crown but without that intriguing malt flavour.
I tried their Moonlight Nut Brown the other day and actually found it to be quite nice, particularly for a 'midstrength' beer. Good full body of malt, with a decent.
It's all right, but it just feels like the flavours are butting heads a little too much for my liking. Certainly the best so far.
Gippsland Gold Pale Ale

I think this will be the last one for tonight... Aroma is typical for a pale ale- nothing exciting about it. the same about the flavour, though there is some nice hop aftertaste. Like the other beers I have tried so far, it's all right but nothing to write home about. If asked about their beers I wouldn't slag them off but say that they are merely in the middle range of beers- not brilliant, but it's not VB.
Apparently Australia's most awarded brewery.
Must have been awarded before Aussies grew taste-buds - buggered if I know how they're still in business!
*flame suit on*

The thing about comps is that they test against style guidelines etc. I personally haven't entered a comp because I can't honestly say that any of my beers have adhered strictly to a style. However, these beers quite clearly stick to the styles exactly. Makes it easier to win awards.
Are Grand Ridge and Outback both extract breweries??

Haven't had any Grand Ridge, but my Outback experience was memorable for all the wrong reasons and definitely improved my confidence in my homebrew.

Same here!

I suppose one problem is that since they are both micros the bar is a bit higher than if CUB made it. Subconsciously we all expect the beer to be great, not just adequate or par-for-CUB.
Grand Ridge is all-grain.

Are Grand Ridge and Outback both extract breweries??

Haven't had any Grand Ridge, but my Outback experience was memorable for all the wrong reasons and definitely improved my confidence in my homebrew.

Apparently Australia's most awarded brewery.
Must have been awarded before Aussies grew taste-buds - buggered if I know how they're still in business!

There are a hell of a lot worse Hutch. The micro scene here is very very average. Lets not hang shit on small business and adjudicate on peoples palates.
For mine, their beers are most inviting, are Gippsland and Victorian based, one of few that can hold their heads high!
If 'here' you mean Australia, then I would disagree with you strongly! It's just not very big.
Gippsland Victoria Grand Ridge Australia! Dinky-Di Euco Oi Oi Oi
The micro scene is not big and by international comparison is very very average IMO.
Gippsland Victoria Grand Ridge Australia! Dinky-Di Euco Oi Oi Oi
The micro scene is not big and by international comparison is very very average IMO.

In my experience the micros in SA are quite good- Brewboys and Lobethal Bierhaus, for example, and of course there's moo brew and mountain goat. I'll never claim that there are a large number of them, but there are some great ones making great beer.