Well-Known Member
Is that the straw man ?
http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/straw-man.htmljlm said:Not much of a silver lining on that cloud. Maybe child rape is worse in other parts of the world too?
We're quite a tolerant society, sure we have had issues in the past and still have today, but if you care to research the racial tensions around the the world, you'll find that our race issues are comparatively minor.jlm said:Not much of a silver lining on that cloud. Maybe child rape is worse in other parts of the world too?
Liam_snorkel said:this thread is getting ugly, but we're nearly up to 100 pages. Carrrn the hunge!
Hope we get a letter from the Queen when the 100 clocks over.Liam_snorkel said:this thread is getting ugly, but we're nearly up to 100 pages. Carrrn the hunge!
Paid for the gold it is.Black Devil Dog said:It's a few pages early.
And you obviously do not know the meaning of conquistadors, has that got anything to do with religion, no, just a country expanding their empire,goomboogo said:You've obviously never heard of the Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors.
So you have never visited a Muslim country.?SBOB said:Any in particular, but I assume you mean Asia and South East Asia as they are the majority of 'muslim' countries (the fact you call a country a 'Muslim' country is part of the problem in the first place.. )
I know my future is going to be unpredictable, and I know I will be around for it. :chug:malt & barley blues said:No reward for playing Devils advocate.
Though I still think the future is unpredictable, if we are still around.
Hippyreal_beer said:Brewing is a fantastic hobby it brings human beings together from all walks of life and beliefs from all over the planet. We learn more and grow better both as individuals and a group by our interactions with each other. With mutual respect we can look for the best in each other and promote a camaraderie that makes the hobby better for us being part of it.
I know this thread is in an open discussion area but sometimes things are best left unsaid because of the damage they can cause. A good thing to do if something really inflames a violent reaction you feel compelled to react to, is type your entire reply into a text editor, don't hold anything back, really rip into it, then save it and sit on it for a day. The next day open it up and read it, if you still want to post it, read it out loud about 10 times and then close it up for another day. If you do this for a week and still want to post it, go on the forum and look at the person you might be aiming at and look up all the old posts and replies they've ever made. If you honestly don't see a person that's about a 60% reflection of yourself you should still delete the file and get on with what's really important in life.
I've watch lots of great documentaries about different races of people from all over the world and 99.9% of the ordinary working people just want to have a family and provide for them with love and hard work. All the mess comes from the greedy despots, dictators, and warlords who can never have enough wealth, money, or power to feed their pitiful ego's. I believe most human beings whether their 30 or 100 years old still have a vulnerable little childhood boy or girl inside them that just wants too be. Too be happy, too be healthy, too belong, and too be loved. Whether your passing people and strangers on the street or talking to someone face to face, even your spouse, partner, children, brothers and sisters, before you say anything to them salute the Divinity (life-force) in them and wish them well, it'll make you better as a human being and by doing it you'll be making the world a better place for everyone. Just try it for a week and see for yourself. It's even more important to do this to people you say you hate or dislike, this is because the person you hurt the most when hate and resentment rears its ugly head is yourself.
I'll start
'My fellow brewer's and human beings I salute the Divinity in you all, and wish you all the best in your lives, now and in the years ahead'.
Cheers :icon_cheers:
I am not against multiculturalism,nor have I made an anti-multiculturalism rant, I am just stating that the western world are now having to absorb millions of Muslim people because they cannot solve their differences among themselves, the Muslims biggest threat and greatest danger is from other Muslims, they do not appreciate democracy,Sharia law has been their mainstay, however it is interpreted.Feldon said:Wobbly and M&BollocksBlues come on here with all this anti-multiculturalism rant, yet they themselves are beneficiaries of the very multiculturalism that they criticise.
It was Australia's generous post-war policy of bringing in immigrants from all over the world that gave these two the home they now have in Australia. They rode in on the same wave. In short, they are blow-ins from the UK. But that's OK, we take all comers.
Funnily enough I was out with a friend tonight whose daughter is an air hostess, her friend is a train driver,passed her exams, and is still fairly new, she is on $120,000 a year. So the union delegate was lying about $90,000 ayearDucatiboy stu said:Any one know how the train drivers are getting on....
Anyone found out yet how much they really earn..?