I just love the way the pollies rip off the system big time with their fraudelent perks and likes, but as soon as they get found out they instantly pay the dough back and say "sorry" and expect all to be forgiven....the hungry bastards have been at it for years and it's about time it was knocked on the head.
The average Joe Blow has had to tighten up big time with their spending habits to survive, now its time the pollies expenses were much more closely scrutinised and bought into line.... Make them fly Business, or even Premium class instead of 1st class when going overseas... put them up in less expensive hotels.... go for something less expensive when traveling on road trips instead of getting chauffered in a friggin RR... and perhaps drink good Aussie wine (or maybe some DSGA) instead of slipping down Moets Dom Pérignon champagne.
They say their wages are ****, yet every election they fight like crazy women just to get elected and to keep their jobs. It's about bloody time they realised they are elected into office to help us...Not help themselves!!
I say get rid of all forms of current governments, Federal, State, and Local etc. and bring on a Republic!.....
Gentlemen....that concludes this sermon....hallelujah!!
Edited for additional content, not that it matters