Beer line lenght for new kegerator with flow control taps.

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Hi Guys,
Just setting up a new 4 tap kegerator from Kegland.

I optioned for flow control taps, but not sure on the beer line length (using 4mm id).
What length should I cut them to?
Should I just use the flow speed test of 300ml per ten seconds (but that is for non flow control taps)?
What would be the normal position of the flow control tap once set up correctly
Half open or fully open (I would assume half open so you could add or subtract flow?
Sorry for the question as I have never had or used a flow control tap.

Cheers Yt2...
There are several beer line length calculators on-line that will lead you though it quickly and you may find you need to trim them still (mine started at 2.5m at 12 psi and were trimmed a little). Not sure about the effect of flow control taps. My experience has been that if the line length and keg pressure is not right they allow you to pour foamy beer slowly or quickly. When I upgrade my 3 tap to a 4 tap I will likely replace the taps.

I have settled on a lenght for my beer lines.
Triming the lines to balance them should I have the flow control taps open at 50% or 100%
If you are using the 4mm ID then you can reduce the beer lines down to about 1.2 meters. This is assuming that your keg pressure is about 10psi and your kegs are set at close to 0C and you have standard 2.5volumes of carbonation.