Okay, I'll jump in here on this one and offer some assistance and opinion to this 'West Coast' trip and any others going outside of California (aka Evil Empire) to Oregon and Washington, yes the State of ..

. Originally from the USA Pacific Northwest a fair bit of my early professional career was in that area and I was able to watch, and enjoy the proliferation of micro-breweries/pubs starting in the mid to late '80's. The area still has one of the largest per capita 'micro-brewery' in the US (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_breweries) and one of if not the largest gatherings of craft brewers festivals.
IMHO, Portland and Oregon really got the ball rolling as the company I was with (Seattle) had a business relationship with Intel (Hillsboro, OR) a bunch of us engineers would make frequent trips down there. Making sure we had a initial late afternoon meetings that would continue the following mid-morning we were able to frequent a bar out there that had at least a dozen microbreweries beers/brews on tap (being conservative) as they had a wall full of taps. I can't remember the name of the place but the concept has evolved to so much more now but it could have been the first McMenamin's.
Here are a few of my favorites;
BridgePort IPA (Portland)
Full Sail (Hood River)
Rogue Ales (Newport)
Nishikashi (Eugene)
(Disclaimer, you had better like hoppy beer for some of these drops. I have to build up from Full Sail to Nishi given the lack of that style here in the Jervis Bay area offerings I get the rest of the year)
The original Red Hook IPA (Seattle) but it's gone past the microbrewery stage.
If anyone is in Oregon/Wash in July there is a rather large festival in Portland mentioned in this article (http://www.viamagazine.com/attractions/beer-breweries-oregon). Use 97301 (Eugene) as a 'zip' code.
I am in Oregon from June-Oct and would be happy to offer assistance to anyone coming over then. I hope this is the last year I'll have to do that trip. Just PM me and be patient on reply, I don't log in daily.