Going To Fiji

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Well, we got back from Fiji on Thursday arvo. What a great place to visit, so many friendly people it's not funny, at first I though it was a piss take. One of my kids (the oldest, 4 1/2) was perfect the whole time we flew, the other (18 months, was a complete write off, screaming and throwing ****). I know it would have been hard for him as being stuck on a plane with SFA to do can't be easy for em'. We even took a few coloring books and other stuff but those who have children that age will know, they get sick of things pretty quickly, especially when you don't want them to.
All that aside, we had a great time and I managed to get out and do a bit of deep sea fishing, got me a nice tuna about 45cm which the locals cooked up for us once we got of the boat. Best damn fish I've ever eaten I'll tell ya that much. Pity it was such a bright day or we would have caught more, and better. We had 2 boats go out and one of the young blokes on the other boat got a GT (looked about 25 pound to me), he's 15yo and the thing was nearly as big as him, shoulda seen the smile on his face, there was no way he was letting go of that fish. Carried it of the boat, on to the bus, in to the Resort where we were staying, still smiles from ear to ear, until the resort wanted to charge him $24 a head to cook it. So he ended up giving it to a village so at least some one enjoyed it.
We also got invited to see one blokes village, which was the doing of my awesome shirt I bought over there, everyone loved it. It certainly wasn't a shirt I normally wear, bright red and black with freakin' flowers all over it, but I needed to but it cause we had a 5 star dinner sorted and needed a collard shirt to get in. the whole time after that night all the locals were saying "where's you're shirt brother" :lol:
All in all I never really wanted to travel over seas before I saw my own country first, but Fiji is great, ya'll gotta check it out. I'll post up some pics soon. I thought of AHB as soon as I saw the beer towers, 3L of beer, spirits, or cocktails in what looks like a massive randall with a tap. The crap beer didn't deter me, I was drinking Gold most of the time. But drinking it with bloody good company. Bula
Well, we got back from Fiji on Thursday arvo. What a great place to visit, so many friendly people it's not funny, at first I though it was a piss take. One of my kids (the oldest, 4 1/2) was perfect the whole time we flew, the other (18 months, was a complete write off, screaming and throwing ****). I know it would have been hard for him as being stuck on a plane with SFA to do can't be easy for em'. We even took a few coloring books and other stuff but those who have children that age will know, they get sick of things pretty quickly, especially when you don't want them to.
All that aside, we had a great time and I managed to get out and do a bit of deep sea fishing, got me a nice tuna about 45cm which the locals cooked up for us once we got of the boat. Best damn fish I've ever eaten I'll tell ya that much. Pity it was such a bright day or we would have caught more, and better. We had 2 boats go out and one of the young blokes on the other boat got a GT (looked about 25 pound to me), he's 15yo and the thing was nearly as big as him, shoulda seen the smile on his face, there was no way he was letting go of that fish. Carried it of the boat, on to the bus, in to the Resort where we were staying, still smiles from ear to ear, until the resort wanted to charge him $24 a head to cook it. So he ended up giving it to a village so at least some one enjoyed it.
We also got invited to see one blokes village, which was the doing of my awesome shirt I bought over there, everyone loved it. It certainly wasn't a shirt I normally wear, bright red and black with freakin' flowers all over it, but I needed to but it cause we had a 5 star dinner sorted and needed a collard shirt to get in. the whole time after that night all the locals were saying "where's you're shirt brother" :lol:
All in all I never really wanted to travel over seas before I saw my own country first, but Fiji is great, ya'll gotta check it out. I'll post up some pics soon. I thought of AHB as soon as I saw the beer towers, 3L of beer, spirits, or cocktails in what looks like a massive randall with a tap. The crap beer didn't deter me, I was drinking Gold most of the time. But drinking it with bloody good company. Bula
4 months and counting til we take the family over to Fiji for 10 days.

Mental to-do list:
  • Deep sea fishing
  • Red and black flower shirt
  • Beer towers

Keep the suggestions coming...
Stay the frig away from Fiji bitter, I didn't think there could be a beer that bad. If you like twang, then that's the beer for you. The Vonu Lager is ok, but at twice the price of the Fiji gold, it wasn't twice as good so I stuck with the gold. Twas a sort of happy medium

Edit: I was glad to come back to my taps.

Where you staying WB?
Glad you had an awesome trip. Mate of mine just got back from there too and the pics look amazing.

One of my kids (the oldest, 4 1/2) was perfect the whole time we flew, the other (18 months, was a complete write off, screaming and throwing ****). I know it would have been hard for him as being stuck on a plane with SFA to do can't be easy for em'. We even took a few coloring books and other stuff but those who have children that age will know, they get sick of things pretty quickly, especially when you don't want them to.
So, this is pretty much something everyone either knows or has it explained to them and says "Yeah, fair enough". Right?

Mate of mine is going to Europe in December for his brother's wedding. He will be travelling with his wife and his two kids (4 and 2). Flying to Europe is obviously going to be pretty hard on the kids. His wife's solution? She gets the kids an iPad2 for the flight. Each. ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME?! That's $1000 minimum! Just give them a bloody bourbon, ffs.
Yeah not sure I'd go to those lengths. Pretty sure they'd get jack of it anyway, same as anything else really
I was told the Gold was for the Women and the Bitter was brewed for the sportsman...after that info, i got off the gold and back into the bitter which is what i started on for a few days. I wasn't going to argue with them. The price was right at least. And not one hangover...
4 months and counting til we take the family over to Fiji for 10 days.

Mental to-do list:
  • Deep sea fishing
  • Red and black flower shirt
  • Beer towers

Keep the suggestions coming...

The young bloke who works for me just got back from his 'engagement trip'. Guess he figured if she said no, at least he'd get a holiday out of it.

Three things he recomended and recomended were:

*Jet ski hire - the one's where you power off to an island for lunch or something. The guides have a relaxed attitude if you prefer hit waves at speed.

*Zip lining through the forest.

*Snorkeling - he took an underwater camera and the pics are brilliant. Well, kind of blue-ish actually, but you get the idea.
I have been to Fiji before on a work trip, but am taking the wife in 5 weeks. Thanks for all of the input here, it's going to be a big help! Must remember to buy a lot of grog at duty free....
The young bloke who works for me just got back from his 'engagement trip'. Guess he figured if she said no, at least he'd get a holiday out of it.

Three things he recomended and recomended were:

*Jet ski hire - the one's where you power off to an island for lunch or something. The guides have a relaxed attitude if you prefer hit waves at speed.

*Zip lining through the forest.

*Snorkeling - he took an underwater camera and the pics are brilliant. Well, kind of blue-ish actually, but you get the idea.

Just back from 10 days in the tropical paradise of Fiji.

Instead of beer towers, zip-lines, and kava sessions, we got:

  • Sunshine
  • Sunshine
  • Day-trip to one of the islands
  • Torrential rain
  • Torrential rain
  • Torrential rain
  • Torrential rain
  • Torrential rain
  • Torrential rain (off the edge of a tropical cyclone)
  • Torrential rain

We managed to catch, according to the locals, the worst weather in living history. Just what I wanted, a week cooped up in a small apartment, with a 5 and a 7 year old, no running water, and intermittent power supply.

Beerwise, the majority of the beers are brewed by CUB, and leave the same metallic, cat-piss taste in the mouth. The Vonu lager was great, however, clean, a little too sweet, but a nice aroma, and a real taste of hops, possibly Hallertau.

We will be back, but next time will be more vigilant in researching when wet-season is, prior to booking the tickets.