Going out for a few pints? Make sure you take your dried yeast with yo

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Newport VIC
An interesting article on priming your stomach with dried yeast to somewhat counter the effects of the beer you are about to drink.

I laughed at this, I can imagine sitting there popping another teaspoon of US-05 down before ordering the extra pint.
Haha "Nah babe it's not spew, it's blow off from the dry yeast"
I can imagine the eyebrows being raised as you pull out a packet of white powder and carefully measure a spoonful.
Right, I'm bringing some dry yeast with me to the Merri Mashers free-hop beer tasting next week!
yeah would be a good thing for judges to do in comps haha
peas_and_corn said:
Wow, telling the bartender to pour into the glass he brought from home.
That's alright. I get the chef to put my sphericalised nitrogen laden, truffle foam onto my peronalised dinner plate all the time. Tastes much better when I can use my own Tibetan spun mountain steel knife and German erber fork to put them in my dainty, southern, grain- fed super mouth too.
Maybe a heart pint of kefir would do the trick....

Homebrew with plenty of active beasties floating around in it might work too - when we think of our ancestors regularly quaffing ales morning, noon, and night, sometimes ales that were just four, three, two days old and still in the process of fermentation - ie, possessing plenty of active yeast - that might help explain their allegedly copious intake.
Would be good to he able to use your favorite glass when going out, but probable not likely when some places have a policy that you can't even have the same glass refilled has to be a fresh glass every time.
Interested theory on the yeast but recon you would have to have a strong guts to handle all that yeast and not break out with a bad case of beer farts and not to mention the laxative effect yeast can have on some. Anyway whoever is giving it a try might want to report back for us.
Just take a hip flask of yeast slurry and have a swig between beers...........
Would the yeast be able to survive the acidity of the stomach? I though stomach ph was about 3-3.5.

I tried this the other weekend but man eating dried yeast is pretty disgusting, not much chop in flavour department, I think I'd rather just organize a designated driver and get drunk instead.
Dips Me Lid said:
I tried this the other weekend but man eating dried yeast is pretty disgusting,
Had you already read this article? Or were you just sitting around and thought "I wonder what a packet of dried yeast would taste like?"

I have all these old packets of dried coopers yeast sitting around from my kit days. I could put them in little baggies and sell them on King St as a hang over cure.
Kiwifirst said:
Had you already read this article? Or were you just sitting around and thought "I wonder what a packet of dried yeast would taste like?"

I have all these old packets of dried coopers yeast sitting around from my kit days. I could put them in little baggies and sell them on King St as a hang over cure.
I read the article first before eating the dried yeast, not a worthwhile endeavour, liquid yeast is heaps easier to consume.

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