I'd give it 1-2 more days.
You really want to make sure there's no fermentable sugars left prior to bottling, and once you drop the temp the yeast will go to sleep until warm again, at which point they'll consume any remaining fermentables in there from before. The amount of sugar to fully carb a 21L batch in bottles equates to only ~1-2 points of gravity. And the calculated FG is not always accurate. So you simply can never risk assuming it should be low enough to be at FG. You have to wait until it's definitely flat-lined.
Also, an extra few days is generally a good idea to encourage the yeast to "clean up after itself" - it means that during the fermentation the yeast will commonly produce a few unwanted by-products (maybe "off" flavours/aromas). As the fermentable sugars run out, the yeast gets around to chewing up these by-products and removing them. Ta-dah!! - clean beery awesomeness by the magic of Yeast!!
An extra day or 2 won't/shouldn't hurt the dry hopping aspect either.
FWIW, a study that was posted in a thread somewhere around here a few days ago indicated that for pellets, you've almost maximised your dry-hop extraction at ~48hrs, and even just 12hrs draws out most of the oils.
Just thought i'd throw it out there as something that's related and that might be of interest.