Ginger Beer

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Hi Fellas

Well im fairly new to brewing but I have done a few Ginger Beers before with this same recipe

This morning when i woke up the Fermentor was full of froth, it had started to froth out of the airlock, I washed around the airlock with some boiled water, removed airlock cleaned it with boiled water and fitted it back and refilled it with boiled water so hopefully i have not made any mistakes there...

why has this happend? It has never happend to me before, its still bubbling away but is it infected kinda bubbling?

I picthed @ 25" with the kits Dry Yeast.

My Recipe is as follows

1 x Coopers Ginger Beer Kit
500g Fresh asian Grated ginger
250g Ginger honey
1.5KG Brewing Sugar

Boil 4 Litres of water, Add 250g Ginger Honey and 500g Grated ginger.
Boiled for around 15minutes.
Covered with cling wrap and cooled for around 15mintues

Put kit in nice clean fermenter
Added my 4 litre mixture, added 1.5kg sugar
Stired, Stired, Stired.
Added 15ish litres of day before boiled water.

I pitched it on sunday and until today no signs of anything being different
SG was 1044
wil take another reading this afternoon.

Hopefully all is well...
Hopefully all is well...

I just had my first "blower" on my brew before last. All turned out good. Sounds like your method for cleaning it up is fine. It should all be good.

Not sure why yours would have done it if you have done the recipe the same before. Maybe a slightly different (aggressive) yeast strain or maybe the temperature is just a little bit warmer now we are coming out of winter and it got over-excited :)

For my case, it was just a wheat yeast in a barrel full of wheat that loves to party hard.

It will be fine
Well i got home
and it had done it again...
There is no condinsation bubbles on the lid like normal, just brown froth right to the top... very strange i dunno if to trust it or not..

only thing that could be different is the sugar i used was Brigalow (on special) brewing sugar instead of the normal coopers brewing sugar or raw sugar i had used previously.
Just for anyone interested.
Its been almost 4 Weeks in the bottle now and i tried one lastnight. Infected
opened another infected... opened another infected!!!
I am not sure if this was infected in the bottle or the fermenter, im leading towards the fermenter tho becasue i had done this recipe many times before without the extreme foaming etc.. its a real shame.. I have succesfully brewed a cider afterwards which i tried lastnight because i was worried i might have contaminated it aswell considering my methods where the same...

I believe I need to review my cleaning measures..
Just for anyone interested.
Its been almost 4 Weeks in the bottle now and i tried one lastnight. Infected
opened another infected... opened another infected!!!
I am not sure if this was infected in the bottle or the fermenter, im leading towards the fermenter tho becasue i had done this recipe many times before without the extreme foaming etc.. its a real shame.. I have succesfully brewed a cider afterwards which i tried lastnight because i was worried i might have contaminated it aswell considering my methods where the same...

I believe I need to review my cleaning measures..
Bad luck FrAsErTag, sounds like you did everything right. I also have recently done a Cooper GB, only I have done it as non alc. Used a couple of sprigs of fresh ginger, 10 cloves boiled in 2 ltrs water and then tossed in about a tablespoon of cinnamon. mixed all that plus the kit into fermenter topped up to 23 ltrs, left for a couple of hours then bottled. Currently in shed in a sealed carton so I dony get tempted, but I might just have to sneak one out today and try.
My Ginger Beer fermented out through the Airlock also. I think it is because of the amount of Sugar, and the heat that your brew is in now. From what I can tell, my Ginger Beer is fine - its sitting in secondary until I find the time to bottle it, but from what I can tell, its not infected.

My Stout is almost at the Airlock, but its in the same Fermenter, which had been cleaned with Bleach, Hot Water, and air, before it was used, and again, its got a high quantity of sugar.

Did you bottle into plastic or glass?

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