Getting Rid Of Hop "gunk"

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This past weekend I made my first brew with added hops: I boiled 500g of DME in 3 litres of water, added 20 grams of Fuggles pellets, simmered for 10 mins, turned off heat, added 20 grams Goldings pellets, then added 1kg of BE1 and a can of Coopers Real Ale. Topped up with cool water to 23 litres and pitched yeast.

I didn't do anything to remove the hops: at the time I thought my colander's holes were too big, and I didn't have a suitable strainer at hand. I read somewhere that it's okay to leave the hops in the wort, as it will sink to the bottom.

After four days in the fementer, there's still a lot of green stuff in suspension, making the beer very cloudy.

Should I leave it like this? Will it clear up by itself, or is there something I can/should do?

Any advice will be appreciated!
Relax, it will settle out.

As the density of the wort decreases with fermentation the heavier particles will drop. If you're concerned about it you may consider racking to a secondary fermenter in a couple of days.

Leave it dude. I don't bottle for a total of three weeks (if only brewing in primary). By then everything pretty much has settled to the bottom and the yeast has done its job properley. Just a tip though before bottling that first one pour some of the brew into a jug first so the hop gunk won't end up in your first bottle.
Okay, thanks both of you. I'm going to relax now ...

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