Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

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Not sure what to make of Galaxy.
Every beer Ive made that I've dry hopped with Galaxy takes a good 3 months to get rid of that fruity lexia taste and resemble something worth drinking. It may be that my beers were always a bit sweet which exacerbated the fruitiness (a problem with my process which ive since fixed) or just that Galaxy rolls like that.

I brewed a galaxy amber ale 3 months ago and only now has the aroma and taste mellowed to an acceptable level..Well just.

Anyone else find this?
Not sure what to make of Galaxy.
Every beer Ive made that I've dry hopped with Galaxy takes a good 3 months to get rid of that fruity lexia taste and resemble something worth drinking. It may be that my beers were always a bit sweet which exacerbated the fruitiness (a problem with my process which ive since fixed) or just that Galaxy rolls like that.

I brewed a galaxy amber ale 3 months ago and only now has the aroma and taste mellowed to an acceptable level..Well just.

Anyone else find this?

for me, I've stopped using it late, never been happy with the beers I've made with Galaxy late, I've tried a couple of other peoples with Galaxy late and they were great beers. I think Jamiesons Pale Ale uses galaxy and uses it late.
Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

Not a friend of mine and I have a bit to spare if someone whats to try it.
Hadn't FWH'd in a long time, so i tried it with a Galaxy pale. F' me dead, it was harsh as Faaark. Next up, i dropped the late hops, and added a small amount as dry hopping in the keg. Man it was sensational!. I actually brewed it for the wife ( we loved S&W on tap in melbourne ), but i must say i drank most of it. Luckily i have heaps left, so i can brew her more!
Well I hope in reasonable amounts its OK or there's going to be a lot of disappointed blokes at the Brisbane July case swap! It's CCing now.
I always whack in some cascade when doing my galaxy ales - they really work well together. The cascade smooths it out but it is still fruity.
I too don't go late with galaxy and have stopped keg hopping with it as well.
I always whack in some cascade when doing my galaxy ales - they really work well together. The cascade smooths it out but it is still fruity.
I too don't go late with galaxy and have stopped keg hopping with it as well.

Spot on Bada, I have found the same thing.
i reckon its good in light bodied ales. I make a S&W clone and its great. Made an aussie ale a few weeks ago that was 75% pale ale malt and 25% wheat malt. Bittered low and a touch of galaxy @ 10.I could barely taste the galaxy but it was pretty nice.
Friend.... use it at the end of boil without issue, never dry hopped with it and wouldn't either. I personally believe dry hopping is way overrated. galaxy and cascade is also a very beautiful marriage of flavour and aromas
enjoy it with williamette.

how did you find my recipe though truman quite nice to drink once the galaxy died down?
Do you like Stone & Wood Pacific Ale?

I used it once for a S&W clone and had a number of non home brewers thinking it was the real thing.

Have you used it in a tried and tested recipe? Flowers or pellets? Did you do lots of late boiled additions or just dry hopping? I think the S&W has lots of late additions and dry hopping. I dry hopped it in two stages.

Try citra, that stuff rocks.

I wish i could get some more galaxy flowers, when will the next crop by out?
enjoy it with williamette.

how did you find my recipe though truman quite nice to drink once the galaxy died down?

Yes mate Im drinking it right now and its good now that the galaxy has died down a bit. I dry hopped with Galaxy and Amarillo to make up the numbers. I think my main problem was my beer was too sweet to begin with. I used Galaxy to dry hop in my first ever AG brew, Sticks and stones, S&W clone. It turned out fantastic. I didnt sparge and only had 9 litres.
But a few I've done since weren't.
I've changed my processes and I think I might have some more luck next time.

When used late.

Can be harsh when used for bittering. e.g. Bridge Road Galaxy Single Hop IPA

S and W off tap is spectacular. I spent a whole night in the pub in Byron with my nose in a schooner glass. It's the bomb.

My rule of thumb is not to mix late additions with sweet beer unless putting together a really tart beer.
Recently made an ale which I wasnt happy with, chucked about 1g/l of galaxy into the keg to dry hop and it seems to have rescued it.. so it is my friend currently.
Threw about 240g of it @10 minutes into a sour mash (not spirits!) that I decided to boil despite leaving the mash for 48 hours. The house smelt like **** (I'm not kidding, the boil made it travel upstairs) but after about 2 months the fruitness died down a bit. Still plenty of brett ( I Think) in there though.
I just did an ale with Galaxy and Amarillo both at 15 minutes only to 27 IBUs.

I also don't put 17 chillis into a carbonara and blame the chillis.
I have to say that I didn't as much as I wanted to, I couldn't get along with galaxy....

Until I tried the flowers!! :icon_drool2:

Keep it away from anything later than 20min and make sure it is fresh. Beautiful floral, aromatic and fruity. Passionfruit is an easy one to call, but I get hints of pineapple at times too.

YUM :icon_cheers:
Got 1/2 a kilo of it in the last BB. Have some brews I make with it conditioning and fermenting but haven't drank any yet. I hope we will be friends...