Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

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Galaxy is my house Pale Ale, a friend and family favourite.

Coopers APA Kit
10g @ 15min
10g @ 10min
20g @ 0min
20g @ day 10 of 14 during fermentation.

Link below to Jawa recipe.
Strange i didn't find it sweet but dry. I must admit i got help with the recipe from Gryphon brewing too.
Friend.... use it at the end of boil without issue, never dry hopped with it and wouldn't either. I personally believe dry hopping is way overrated. galaxy and cascade is also a very beautiful marriage of flavour and aromas

Get the message Hargie, NO DRY HOPPING>

It's my friend too, I use bugger all as bittering (first addition at 20 mins), then a bit at 8mins and more at flameout, then shedloads dry hopped.
Friend here too, I think it's a great hop.

As everyone else has said, try to limit it's use over 30 minutes in boil due to it's high cohumulone levels it can have a throat stipping effect. I made a 67 ibu ipa with 50% of the bittering at 60 using galaxy, could have taken paint of the walls, was a great drop after 5 months though....... :icon_drunk:

I find it develops a funky cheese kind of aroma and flavour on the palate.

I even avoid it in commercial beers. Bridge Road had one on draught last time I was in Beechworth (2011) and I just could not drink it.

That said......

The beers I have brewed with it and tasted commercial beers all were heavy handed applications of the hop, which might be the issue.

Judicial use with some cascade could be the secret as described in a prior post. Might have to revisit it with a fresh batch of flowers.
I've only used it the once in combo with warrior...fairly good beer and my mates voted it the best out of a selection I gave them...i'll be using it again...
Made a galaxy pale ale... bittered, dry hopped and keg hopped... nice smell but pretty harsh, took a month or so to settle.

Citra is more forgiving and pretty good.
Friend with benefits... I f***ing love it!

S&W Pacific
Hargeaves Hill ESB
I even had a special Mountain Goat Hightail that had been flushed through a Galaxy packed hopinator... all awesome.

I've only tried brewing with it once, and it was a failure. We went sparingly, due to it's reputation, but my beer came out with an old/dirty socks vibe.... not the best.

I have also used the flowers in dry hopping on an APA, but there wasn't much of an effect - perhaps I didn't use enough.
Passing acquaintance.

I've found that I shouldn't use it for bittering at 60min plus. It is too harsh. I've found Stella is a sound bitterer at 60min. I've also taken up FWH, and found that the bitterness is smoother.

If I'm adding it late, 10 minutes, it needs to play with something else - such as Chinook, Centennial, Citra or Nelson Sauvin. In equal portions with the other hop, it is gorgeous.

If I'm dry hopping, it's only the minority shareholder. And I rarely dry hop with it.

As a 30 minute part bittering/part flavour addition - it really shines.

It's a good cheap alternative to Citra, but Citra is easily the better hop of the two.

I've yet to try Summer, which is apparently a nice soft lower AA% Galaxy type hop.

...Galaxy is my friend...we are close...
Says one who is probably Australias biggest single user of Galaxy and a brewer who has picked up a couple of gongs for their beer lately.
Its a great hop; just use it with a touch of restraint as is always the case in brewing, its all about balance.
After really getting into APA's from malty beers I am surprised at the difference in impact rates among the hops.

I used 25G of Nelson at 15 mins then 25G at 0 mins and loved it. Nice aroma etc.

With Cascade I did 40G at 15 mins, 40G at 5 mins and 40g at 0 and definitely wasn't as aromatic or hoppy as the Nelson.

What usage should I be looking for in Galaxy considering I love fruity beers.

I use mini boils then add to the main wort using Argon's method.
If I'm adding it late, 10 minutes, it needs to play with something else - such as Chinook, Centennial, Citra or Nelson Sauvin. In equal portions with the other hop, it is gorgeous.

As a 30 minute part bittering/part flavour addition - it really shines.

It's a good cheap alternative to Citra, but Citra is easily the better hop of the two.

all of this ^^^^^^^ I especially like it with Centennial and Citra, used in moderation it's a fantastic hop IMO.. easy to overdo it though

Acquaintance. I brewed an all Galaxy APA a couple of months ago. When I bottled it the aroma was of a tea towel that'd been sitting damp for a couple of days. There was the fruit thing going on too but that sweet smell just made the tea towel thing worse. Once it'd been in the bottle for a few weeks though it was fine. Not a hop I'd go out of my way for but it was nice and fruity and the damp tea towel was definitely gone.
I've tasted it in a few beers, it's just not my hop. I've never personally brewed with it, but was given some to experiment many months back. Got to try it one day, but I think I will be using it in a mixed hop late or dry addition.

Galaxy is my house Pale Ale, a friend and family favourite.

heh, and then... "Who drank the last cold beer in the fridge? GALAXY! Who borrowed the car for the weekend and i need to make a quick trip down to the hardware?? GALAXY! Aaaargh!"
I've tasted it in a few beers, it's just not my hop. I've never personally brewed with it, but was given some to experiment many months back. Got to try it one day, but I think I will be using it in a mixed hop late or dry addition.


If you are dry hopping Galaxy, IMHO give it a quick dip (less than 24 hours).

Last APA I dry hopped was with 1g/L Citra and Galaxy even amounts (I do this with Citra often), and the Galaxy in there made be jump in the keg and pull it out after 2 days as it was starting to get a "funk" happening.

Galaxy is not a great dry hopper IMO. Harsh.
If you are dry hopping Galaxy, IMHO give it a quick dip (less than 24 hours).

Last APA I dry hopped was with 1g/L Citra and Galaxy even amounts (I do this with Citra often), and the Galaxy in there made be jump in the keg and pull it out after 2 days as it was starting to get a "funk" happening.

Galaxy is not a great dry hopper IMO. Harsh.

What about as a 0min addition to the kettle? With Citra I don't dry hop it, but use up to 0.5g/L with 1g/L Cascade at 0min in my Citra MIDAPA. Maybe that could be a good test for me, 0.5g/L Galaxy to 1g/L Cascade and make a Galaxy MIDAPA.

I brewed a double ipa with galaxy and went in pretty heavy. It wont be a brew I will repeat. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. As others have observed, galaxy is a hop best used in moderation.
If you are dry hopping Galaxy, IMHO give it a quick dip (less than 24 hours).

Nick would you do this after primary fermentation has slowed down or at the end of fermentation just before CCing? Would it make a difference in what still active yeast would pull out of it compared to yeast thats gone to sleep?

Sounds like galaxy has a lot of mates, with some who say hello but wouldnt hang out with it, and one or two who are sleeping with it on the side.. :D