G&g Website Looks Bad In Safari For Mac

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Why would I bother phoning G&G when I can source everything I need from another site sponsor, who has a website full of excellent photos and product descriptions?

Then why bag one sponsor when you patronize the other? That's not particularly nice. :eek:

Warren -
Anyway, I don't think "Retail Shop" is really the right place for this thread, so if a moderator could move it somewhere like The Pub, that'd be grand!
If they do not know they have problem how can they fix it?

Bad news always travels faster then a compliment!
If they do not know they have problem how can they fix it?

Bad news always travels faster then a compliment!
I have told them before when I have picked up grain etc.

Doesnt change the look of their website..
Anyway, I don't think "Retail Shop" is really the right place for this thread, so if a moderator could move it somewhere like The Pub, that'd be grand!

Maybe we need a new section called the 'bone of contention'.

Suspect this one could go on for a bit. :D

Maybe we need a new section called the 'bone of contention'.
nah call it something like, "is there a grain of truth". got to be brewing related. or 'blow off tube' for venting

god this has gone OT
Ahh, so i'm detecting some anti-Apple sentiment here as well.

And it begins...

Seriously though, this is probably something that should have just gone to G&G, not here. Just asking for trouble really.
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I get lots of problems with the G & G site both in Firefox and IE. I would actually buy from them regularly if their website worked better, but after sending a couple of enquiries via the site and not receiving a reply I don't trust an order to their system. The lack of images and/or information about their products online really puts me off. However, being in Melbourne I love to visit their store for a chat and to stock up but I just can't get across town very often. As such, most of my orders go to Craftbrewer when if G & G got their act together I'd have no problem keeping my cash local.

EDIT: I'm using a Windows PC.
HI guys, another Mac user here. I use Firefox mainly as compared to Safari and at times. I have also found the images on G&G site do not load properly. I have not had that problem recently however. Far from any personal slight on G&G it's up to any business to run their website to be viewed on all platforms if possible. That makes them more $ surely. If anything when the guys at the shop read this forum it may help them improve that situation if they were unaware that is!
G&G are an excellent home brew shop I just wish it's website was up to the same standard. I don't think blaming the browser is really the fault of what is in my opinion a less than average site. I've used XP, Apple and every browser under the sun and my opinion of it is still the same. Although the site has improved a little over the last 6 months or so I prefer to ring through my order or rock up in person.
Does anyone else have an issue with loads of broken image links on the Grain and Grape website using Safari for Mac?

View attachment 24545

I'm with Warren on this one.

Are you really trying to determine if you have a problem with your browser, or just having a go at a retailer in a backhanded fashion for having a seemingly sub-standard website?

Were you intending to collect & present statistics - souls affected & possible $ value of business lost in presenting your case for website upgrade? I suspect not.

You have admitted that you only get a couple of items there that you cannot source elsewhere. If the message you are trying to get across to John & the boys is that you want to buy more from them, but that compatibility issues between your browser & their website get in the way - then pick up the damn phone and talk to John and explain your concerns. It may or may not make any difference - you should understand that people have limited resources & must prioritise.

This is not the way to treat a long time & valued contributor to the Aus. homebrew scene.

returning to armchair
Moving to off topic. You might find some browser help in there.
Hey fellas,

Having worked directly on the G&G website in a SEO capacity, I can tell you the image glitch and/or slow to no load issues are directly related to their CMS system, CRE Loaded. It's not a browser, host or o/s issue so put it all to bed.

The guys are aware of the situation.

With that in mind, and as others have pointed out, they'll bend over backward for you in shop and over phone.. top blokes.

Hey fellas,

With that in mind, and as others have pointed out, they'll bend over backward for you in shop and over phone.

The office girl is standing by waiting for your order,

Internet Explorer....That was a joke...right..??

I feel violated every time I have to use a machine that only has IE... <_<

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