Frozen Wort

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Well I've frozen a few kegs in my time, but this is the first time I've frozen a primary fermenter full of beer :(
Fortunately fermentation had finished & had set to -2c to crash chill my Ruddles clone (first use of Bramling Cross). But gone to transfer it to keg this morning & the fermenter is solid as a rock!!!!!! The probe is frozen solid in it's thermowell & reading "ERROR"...

If it turns out to be a great beer, I won't be replicating the proceedure B)

Cheers Ross...
A ruddles ice beer!
Look forward to trying this one.
In that Qld. weather you should consider jamming an icecream stick in it Ross, sitting on your back porch and having a "Ruddles-sicle" :lol:

Shouldn't come to any harm I'd say. I've frozen a couple of carbonated kegs before with no problems.

Warren -
Didnt your son brew this beer... hence its HIS mistake :D
Ive iced one before but never a complete freeze through.
Keep us posted as to how it turns out Ross.

Big D
Didnt your son brew this beer... hence its HIS mistake :D

LOL - nice one Jye... :) - Hopefully it'll be thawed & kegged before he's home from school, as he's looking forward to a small taste. Don't think I have the heart to tell him we froze it...

cheers Ross
Gee Ross,
I'd be tempted to remove some of the water (ice) when its half way thru the thaw. That'll make you fall over when consumption time comes.
Beer slurpee.

Perfect for those hot summer afternoons. :p
Finally defrosted - kegged & carbed - will give it the taste test in the morning, if I can find a bottle of Ruddles locally to compare against... :chug:

cheers Ross
I foze my cube for the Xmas in July case !
I havent let this out as yet, becouse i wanted to hear comments first. None at this stage have said 'taste a bit cold' :p

A few days before my contribution was to be picked up i decided to crash cool it and then bottle.
Crashed i alright ! Frozen solid block. Shhhhhhhhhhht

Beerslayer was coming over the next day to pick up my bottles so i stuck the cube in warm water and changed the water a few times over the next few hours.Then bottled as usual the next morning.

I tried my bottle a few weeks later, and i tasted like carbonated water!
Ohhh........... should i have shaken the cube to make sure it was an even mix of water/beer?
Me thinks i got a water bottle, and the other bottles must be of varied taste/fg

Anyway, i learned from all of this not to turn off an old fridge and move it 8feet then flick it back on and expect it to work the same again!!!

Ross did you end up using Bramlin Cross or 1st Gold?

Kegged & drinking -Was made with Bramling X. It's a very nice bitter, but lacking the aroma it had before freezing. I'm not sure whether freezing the beer can have any effect on aroma, but it's certainly far more subdued than it was...

cheers Ross
Looks like you will have to make an unfrozen one Ross just to see if it has affected the aroma of course ;)

Big D

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