Frozen Pilsner

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Northern Adelaide Hills
So what happens when you freeze 25L of pils whilst attempting to lager it as cool as possible?

WHo knew a fridge i was given for free could chill down below 0. When i checked it last Tuesday it was at -2. Yesterday i went to grab some yeast out of the fridge and noticed one of my longnecks had exploded - as luck would have it, a dark ale. Frozen beer everywhere. And a 25L pilsner flavoured ice-cube.

Turned the fridge back up to try and thaw out my pilsner.

Is it a lost cause?

I dont want to have to post on the Worst Brewing Disaster Ever thread if i can help it.......


Edit - can the mods please move this to an appropriate place, its an AG pilsner, not a kit!
Thanks oldbugman.

Its only been lagering for 5 days. I am kegging it so i dont need there to be enough yeast to carb but Palmer suggests that there may not be enough yeast to clean up the beer etc.

So i may need to add more yeast. I saved half the trub from primary as it happens and its sitting in another fridge having been washed once so far. Could i dump this in? Or is that too much (probably 2 cups worth)?
Hey DS, if you've done a d-rest and you're simply conditioning/maturing the lager when you say lagering then I wouldn't bother with more yeast. Also fwiw, lagering for 1 Week at -2C is approximately equivalent to 6Weeks at 2-3C. I've never tried this as I don't make lagers but if it's clear you could stick it in the keg now, by the time you've force carbed it it should be ready.
Dr Smurto,

As previously posted, if it had finished fermenting prior to you lagering it will be fine. Just thaw and keg as usual. If it was still fermenting, allow to thaw and see if you get yeast action. If not, you have no choice but to pitch more yeast.

You could always drain the alcohol off the frozen liquid and make an Eisbock (not done this myself)


Well it has thawed out nice, a few ice floaties but temp in the fridge is up to 2 C so i will keep it there for a few more weeks. It had finished fermenting (14 days at 11-12) and no d-rest. I pitched and fermented at 11-12C so i dont need one :ph34r:

Its to be kegged for a mates bucks party so no rush. Its got another 2 and a bit weeks in there, hope its xtal clear by then.

Thanks for the responses. Stress levels back to normal.


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