Fresh Wort Kits

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I've done one FWK from the St Peter's guys and it was ok but a little lacking in hops. It was a 15L cube and I still have the cube full of water as a 'counterbalance' on the bottom of my tool trolley where the BIAB urns sit, so it's still earning its keep.
Now, as Ross has telegraphed on his site, Craftbrewer / Bacchus brewing intend to put out FWKs of not 15 but 20 litres. Well worth buying to ramp up your supply of no chill and lagering cubes as well as enjoying the beer itself. This would be handy for SEQ brewers who can pickup to avoid the freight I guess.
not sure how long G&G have been selling the new stout FWK but just bought one after having a taste of it the other day. Was very nice indeed and am trying to get the keg stocks up now i have a keg fridge.
Go for it. I did heaps b4 going AG. They were all good. Havent done one for a long time, but just after I went AG, I'd buy one to test a new yeast and because you can :
keep the containers as they are the perfect NC cubes for when you do go AG.
davehq, the ballarat h.b.s has f.w.k. ready to taste. I had an Ammarillo ale last week . Tasty.
The Amarillo Ale FWK from St Peters was one of my Fav's before i started AG. I also liked the summer ale. Found that you really need to ferment coolish to retain the flavour (below 20deg). They do lack a little in the hop department though.
FWKs are basically just nochill cubes full of wort and the hop deficiencies are a useful indication of how your nochill turns out. That's what got me experimenting with cube hopping and hop tea etc. If I do another FWK I'd certainly late hop it either dry hopping, or heat some of it to boiling and do a 'hopback' emulation with a coffee plunger and some hop flowers such as NZ Hallertau aroma or Styrians.
I've done a heap of the St Peters FWK's. They are all excellent but some do need dry hopping as Bribie mentioned. They are well worth trying.
vic45, i didn't know they sold them there, that'd be quite handy! i'm only around the corner from the ballart HBS, how much are they there?

i was concerened about the postage cost of the fwk's, so getting them locally would help

i don't have time to do AG so the fresh wort kits appeal to me

iv'e been brewing kits now for a while, iv'e made some quite good ones (as good as kits get) and now i'd like the do something better, i'd like to try AG one day but for now i'll try something inbetween (FWK)

thanks for your replies
More like the perfect gateway drug to all grain IMO. Its no more work than filling a fermenter from the tap with a can of goo (which 99% of kit brewers do anyway). why not cut that part out and replace it with the best wort available to you?!!?! A FWK is miles ahead of any kit or extract.

nicely said! iv'e only done kits so far, and i'd like to make the move to AG in the future, but time and set-up costs are a problem ATM

the FWK's seem like a good alternative in the mean time, better beer but still quick, simple and affordable
Just Racked to 2nd after 8 days in primary my 1st JD fresh wort Amarillo Ale and dry hopped with about 25g of Amarillo pellets in a bag also added finings as per my LHBS dude suggested - As this is my first rack and fresh wortie.... Is finning a mistake or nothing to worry about? ?? Cheers in advance
If your fermentation is complete then finning is good. If it was still fermenting you kinda make it harder for the yeast to do its job.
If your fermentation is complete then finning is good. If it was still fermenting you kinda make it harder for the yeast to do its job.

Oh nice! Yeah fermentation all done mate just the dry hop goodness and 2nd rack cheers you put my newb homebrewer mind at ease! :lol: ...he also suggested putting the whole 2nd fermentor in the fridge too...for an ale??? currently sitting in the fermenter in garage at about 12~15 C plan to bottle on the weekend 28th of aug perhaps ?
I've done 2 FWKs and been disapointed with both. I found them both very thin, I'd recomend doing them, but try it without adding the extra 5 litres of water.

I found no real benefit in using them other than that they are quick, I was doing partials so had already improved on kit and bit etc. At least when you do extract brewing (or k&b) you are learning about ingredients etc.

I think the relative high cost is a waste and would be better spent on getting a 20 litre stock pot and doing partials and extract brews.
the 20 ltr pot is what I will do next.

On FWK's I have an el cheapo one that is a lager...havent kegged it yet but wouldn't mind adding something to it to make it ballsier.
When I tasted it after the hydro reading it was pretty lame...had that cheap home brew taste.
But just not as bad.

any idea's....
I have never dry hoppped or done anything other than standard Fwk's treat me accordingly.


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