I was wondering if anyone knows the yeast strain they use in the Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Dunkel? I had a couple the other night and they were delicious.
I was wondering if anyone knows the yeast strain they use in the Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Dunkel? I had a couple the other night and they were delicious. Im looking at doing an all grain, so Id be interested if anyone else has done a clone of this beer and what grain they used also.
Ive done quite a few brews with the Wyeast 3068, and Im pretty sure it wasnt that one in the Franziskaner. 3068 has more bananary, fruity esters in it. The Franz was very smooth.
I quite like the franziskaner weizen, it's a lot different to Weihenstephan though, less in your face. It seems they use a "purebred" in house strain for primary fermentation (according to their website anyway) which is not readily identifiable. So I'd try the 3056 bavarian wheat blend which is a softer kind of wheat yeast. There are many variables in the ferment though, so if you nail it, I'd be happy to see the details.
Some info about Spaten-Franziskaner Brau from the "Brewing with Wheat" book: Hefeweissbier: single infusion @ 62C, no decoction, 70% wheat
OG 1.047 5.0% ABV 12 IBU Hefeweissbier Dunkel:
OG 1.047 4.9% ABV 12 IBU
... but nothing I could find about yeast after a quick flick through, sorry.
I'll keep looking; I'll post in here if I can find the name of the yeast they use. In the mean time, I may have to try and find one in the bottle and try stepping the yeast up...
From my tasting, I agree with Warra. More complex than W3068. The last weizen I brewed with W3638 tasted quite like the Franziskaner (not the Dunkel) to me. The beer was fermented at 20C, in a temp controlled fridge.
I'm going back to experimenting with ferment temp with this yeast. Seems that the esters hang around longer with a cooler ferment, but more testing is required. I shall need to brew more soon.
One tip that might help too, is to reserve a litre or so of wort. Freeze it in a PET bottle, and thaw (maybe re-boil and chill) and add it as a bulk-prime. I feel you get a much smoother flavour and finer carbonation, FWIW.
Best of luck and please report back here with results, either way.