Food Grade Lube

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Hey Guys,

can you get food grade lube from the supermarket? i take it i cant just use some vaso on the keg lid?

It has various uses in the brewery as well as in the bedroom.


Best to pick up some proper keg lube from your local shop or the site sponsors. It looks more expensive than it is, one tube / jar / whatever will last for years. Guaranteed not to feck with your rubber bits.
dont know about seals but its safe for humans. boom tish.

id stick with propoer lube as indicated by wortgames
IMO while vaseline is good, keg lube is better suited for the job. It has a sightly different consistency that works better for keeping those keg posts lubed up.
I suppose you could use the keg lube in the bedroom too.
It is food grade after all
Something about somewhere were the sun doesn't shine.

OK, I crossed the second line.
I still never get why anyone would ever use vaso in the bedroom.... so many better options :D

You use it on the doorknob to keep the little people from coming in :)
the bar i work in and at home we just use anti-moan ointment... sorry i mean Vaseline
Getting back to the question...I have used petroleum jelly on the lid seal of my fermenter for many months now, and have seen no signs of rubber deterioration.

I remove the seal and totally cover it with a thin film of the stuff. This was the only way I could get a proper sealing.

I like to be able to gauge how quick fermentation starts by monitoring a properly working airlock.
I have bought a tube of keg lube a couple of years back and have used zip of it. I doubt if you would every use a tube full in a life time.
Otherwise KY jelly works, just don't tell the check-out chick you want to rub it on your 'O' ring :lol:


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