Fluctuating gravity :S

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Hi all,

I have just bottled my first brew after leaving it in the fermenter (coopers kit) for 15 days at temps ranging from 18-23 degrees.

The ingredients were as follows:

Coopers English Bitter kit
Kit yeast
OG was 1.035

The issue I have is that
  • a) After 15 days the FG was reached (from day 8-13 it was fluctuating between 1.013 and 1.006). FG at bottling was 1.006
  • b) The brew never smelt like beer, even when bottling it smelled sort of like white wine, however when a bit spilled and then dried up it smelt like beer. Weird huh?
  • c) I think I may have screwed my carbonation process by not monitoring the temp of the location where the bottles are kept. For the last 6 days the bottles have been at about 16-18 degrees.
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to what has gone wrong, if anything?


The final gravity was not fluctuating between 1.006 and 1.013. I'm not implying you're lying, just that beer doesn't do that. There could be a number of explanations for why your reading was changing. Temperature, gas in the sample, temporary insanity ...

"White wine" smell may be acetylaldehyde, a common off-flavour that smells/tastes of apples. I've heard it described as smelling like white wine by people who don't know much about white wine. ;) It will probably go away after a few weeks in the bottle.

The carbonation is fine. 16ºC is fine.
a) Gravity can't go up and down. My guess is yeast/trub in suspension gave a false reading. I get the same problem in my coopers hydrometer. Mine's even worse because I put hot wort in it and it's a little bendy now.

c) Carbonation will take 2 or 3 weeks is all.


b ) No idea.
I've read your post three times now and I fail to see anything wrong.

a - you reached FG and bottled, well done. If couldnt have gone up. Probably just tiny air bubbles under your hydrometer.
b - your beer smelt like wine, but then it smelt like beer, who cares? Wait till it's ready then worry about that.
c - you're not monitoring your temp but you know they have been at about 16 - 18 for the last 6 days? Sounds to me like you're monitoring your temps and they sound perfect.

relax bro

edit: beaten :)