Flat Beer

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I recently (3 weeks ago) bottled a straight forward Toohey's dry lager into corona bottles and primed them with a carbonation drop each, waited two weeks and quite a few are flat.
And I've found the same with a morgan's wheat beer i brewed two weeks ago.
I've been using a bench capper and hove no idea why they're flat.
Is it the bottles, cap, tap water, the short time they've been in the bottle or something else? :huh:
Ive got 3 beers ready to be bottled and Im a bit worried they wont turn out either...
hey dobbsy
depends what temp the bottles are at after bottling. if youve used kit yeast the bottles brew will have to stay around the ferment temp for about a week or so to get carbonation started. can be PITA during colder months. try using a good lager yeast and you wont have to worry bout bottle temp cause the ferment temp are low to start with. hope this helps
Don't even think about using a lager yeast unless you can maintain lager temps throughout the ferment. But yeah, it is probably just because of the cool weather (especially if you're anywhere south east of Uluru). Give them some more time before you worry.
Dobbsy, mate if you've got the bottles out in a shed or something at this time of year they arent going to carb up because of the cold temperatures... try and find a place in the house that is over 15 bring a few tallies (long necks) and keep them inside in the kitchen near the oven or in the lounge where the heater is or even under the bed in your bedroom and leave them for 10 days, then grab one from out the shed and compare the 2 side by side... you'll see the difference...

as long as the gravity was low and stable when you bottled them you will be fine... ive just been bottling and leaving mine out in the shed, because come september/ october when the weather starts to warm up (in melbourne) life..... is just going to be great..... 6 different batches of beers (and growing) all coming good at the same time
Second that too dobbsy!

Tasted mine after 2 weeks... then 3. still flat. Freaked out a little then did a little research. Realized the condition they were in (13-16 degrees) Boxed them up, took them to work. Constant 22 degrees. 1 more week then they were perfect.
+1 to all of the above, the guys (and gals?) on the forum suggested the same thing for me two weeks ago and I've just pulled out a bottle that has only been in there for a month, 2 weeks in -flat, 3 weeks - flat, that week I pulled my heat pad into the beer cupboard and threw and old sleeping bad over the newest 4 crates and have left it on for two weeks @ 18-20'c under the sleeping bag.... delicious :icon_drool2: or very close to it, very nicely carbed. I too was panicked by flatness before I was helped see the light by some very helpful people. Cheers to that

I also am making a collection of tallies needed for october... as Im goin OS from Aug. till Oct. Im trying to get two more in before I go and let them just do their thing while Im away, come back to 8-10 crates of wonderful chuggers (hopefully) and my Birthday Party is 2 Days after I get back so I will probable NEED free beer at that stage :p

Dont worry have Patience

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