Flat Beer Using Saflager S-23 Yeast

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I brewed a batch of coopers standard draught about nearly 2 months ago. I used distilled water and S-23 lager yeast it brewed at about 16c and took about 4 weeks to finish fermentation is that normal? I used carbonation drops when bottling 2 per long neck and capped them. Recently i opened one of the bottles and i found that it was flat but tasted exellent. does anyone know what the problem is and how it can be solved and if it will get better if i leave it for another month?

The bottles are in the same room as it was brewed in and it is a constant 16c i can't seem to know what the problem is. They don't taste infected and there is a little hiss when i open them so they look like they were capped alright all i can think is that because it is a bottom fermenting yeast that there is not enough yeast floating around so when it is bottled the bulk of the yeast is on the bottom of the fermenter and not in the bottle and it seems that the bottles are already very clear when i cap them and there is minimal sediment in the bottle after a couple of days please help i don't want to waste this beer.



[email protected]
Hi Brad, have limited Lager knowledge but Saf 23 being a lager yeast should be fermented somewhere around 9c. Strange that it has taken 4 weeks at 16c to ferment out. Maybe the Yeast wasn't viable, check the use by date, or maybe it had been subjected to heat or bad storage conditions. Can't think of any other reason for the lack of bottle fermentation. Cheers hope it comes good.
Hi Brad,

Did you take a final gravity reading after the fermentation?
Welcome to the forum, Brad.

You need to leave them alone a bit longer. If the yeast took 4 weeks to ferment out, then a month in the bottle may be needed to carbonate properly. Definitely more than a couple of days.

I'll ask the question too...distilled water?

Where did that idea come from?

Edit: reread your post...they have been in the bottle for four weeks already?
Brad, a little unusual to use distilled water as the ? in previous threads indicate but no problem. Minerals are what gives water from each area it's distinct character. Think the slowness of the yeast might indicate that it was not in the best of condition. Should get there with time. Four weeks to ferment out at 16c is probably somewhere around four times as long as it should have taken so you may have to wait for 4 months for bottle carbonation to reach a suitable level.

Make another batch Brad, get some fresh yeast and get going, the next batch might be ready to drink first.
Hey thanks for all the quick reply's i really appreciate it.


A) the yeast was new and it was stored right i got it from the local homebrew shop and they said that it can be brewed around 9 - 20c and that the temp i had was good enough


A) yes that wasn't a mistake i used the spring water that you use for the drinking machines they come in 20L bottles i find i get i nice clean brew than the regular tap water

Kaiser Soze:

A) yes it was 1005 my hydrometer has a green mark and that indicates that it is ready


A) I had left them in bottles for more than a month now and not much has changed maybe i should leav them for 3 months like most homebrew is suggested to be and the distilled water/spring water watever its called came from a homebrew video i watched and the local brew guy said that it gets a better result


A) yeah i was thinking that best thing is do do nothing and time will tell. How long should it take for fermentation with the S-23 yeast? from memory the brew guy said 2 - 3 weeks. I brew another batch since the last one and i forgot about it and i think it has been brewing for an extra week so DOH! this time it was a black rock lager and i used the same type of yeast so ill hope it does better than the first one ONE

A general question to everyone is if you leave a brew that has finished fermenting in the fermenter for and extra week does this have any effect on the carbonation or second fermentation?

Cheers Every one you have been very helpful and given me new hope
Brad, search the site re lager yeast and Google SafLager S-23, maybe even check out some of the yeast manufacturer sites, think most suggest pitching two satches for lagers, check the suggested grams per BBL and ferm temp, recommended ferm temp for this German strain for lagers is 12C. At ferm temp of 16C I think one should be fine. Most of us rack from the primary fermenter when active fermentation has ceased allowing a week in secondary until OG has not dropped over two consecutive readings. Think you've done everything ok! Have the carb drops dissolved properly? Give em' some more time, that always results in better beer anyway.
Hi Brad

I have had the same problem with S23. I brewed a pilsener under temp controlled conditions 12 degrees. It took nearly 4 weeks to ferment out and so far has not carbonated after 3 weeks in the bottle. Like yours there is very little sediment. I thought I might have racked to the secondary too late although the OG at racking was still 1.020.

Yeast like yours was stored correctly and not out of date.

Maybe Screwtop's advice to add 2 sachets next time might be the way to go

Any other suggestions?

Hi Brad

I have had the same problem with S23. I brewed a pilsener under temp controlled conditions 12 degrees. It took nearly 4 weeks to ferment out and so far has not carbonated after 3 weeks in the bottle. Like yours there is very little sediment. I thought I might have racked to the secondary too late although the OG at racking was still 1.020.

Yeast like yours was stored correctly and not out of date.

Maybe Screwtop's advice to add 2 sachets next time might be the way to go

Any other suggestions?

From the Fermentis site

yeah the carbonation drops have dissolved and i spoke to the homebrew guy and he said that i have done everything alright. He said that that yeast can take 14 - 28 days to ferment and that and extra week does not affect it that much and he said to cold condition the bottles in a garage or a shed and leave them for about 3 - months and they will be fine. He was saying that in germany they brew at very low temps that can take 4 - 6 or even 8 weeks for first fermentation store them for 12 weeks before sending them to the shops. So i have brewed another batch in the mean time and i bottled it yesterday so it seems its a time game and i will start another batch soon. Thanks for the help i will let you know how it turn out in a couple of months.

Yeah jimmy 01 if you are brewing at low temps it is suggested to use two packets but i would think the beer would be too yeasty but at 12c i would use 1 or 1 and a half. i would leave the bottled beers for 3 or 4 months and cold condition them around 9 - 15c my homebrew guy said that low settlement doesn't really matter so the best thing is to do nothing and time will tell which sucks because i want to DRINK MY BEER so i hope it turns out alright.

anyways i hope that our beer turns out good and if it doesn't start a new thread and see if i can solve the problem

rehydrate 2 yeast packets and aerate the wort to the buggery when pitching yeast. Do this at 20 degrees. bring it slowly down to 12-15 allopw to ferment for 10-14 days. rack/transfer beer to second without aeration and allow it to ferment out.

Flat beer? Nah, let it sit at room temp for two weeks then bring it too a cold dark place as long as you can handle it.

DONT LEAVE residual detergents in bottles it give flat beer every time

S23 is good dry yeast for Kit lagers.
I always bring my lagers up to 20C for 4 or 5 days after bottling to ensure secondary carbonation. Never had a problem.