First World Problems Thread

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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People who cant be bothered doing a little bit of research....then question when told there wrong...
Trying to learn something new, so asking questions, and getting answers by pompus twats who think they are so superior because they learnt the info your after soooo long ago!!!
I don't need a hug, just a bit of information. I come on here to try to learn a few things to improve my brewing, which is what I though AHB was all about and is for the most part, just don't need condsending twats, carrying on like their time is too vauble to give a decent answer. I though all the DASFFS was finished...obviously not, for some?
Funk then Funk1 said:
I don't need a hug, just a bit of information. I come on here to try to learn a few things to improve my brewing, which is what I though AHB was all about and is for the most part, just don't need condsending twats, carrying on like their time is too vauble to give a decent answer. I though all the DASFFS was finished...obviously not, for some?
Whoa whoa! Simmer doown Funkster. It's all par for the course. The Muppets would have been **** without Statler and Waldorf.
Our lights are dimming / flicking. Rang the energy company and found there is a low voltage in our area. Had to turn off all appliances with motors. That means the beer may warm slightly! argh. muthafekas.
Funk then Funk1 said:
I don't need a hug, just a bit of information. I come on here to try to learn a few things to improve my brewing, which is what I though AHB was all about and is for the most part, just don't need condsending twats, carrying on like their time is too vauble to give a decent answer. I though all the DASFFS was finished...obviously not, for some?
Refer below. btw, I don't read most shitfight on here anymore.
Ok, so last night those mouth-breathing ******s from Adelaide beat Collingwood & then later on I couldn't get to sleep. Fast forward to 3am, an episode of Boardwalk Empire & GoT later I finally got to sleep. Wake up at 6:30, running late so pull into Maccas for a dirty breakfast. The stupid ***** forgot to put a ******* egg on my ******* McMuffin AND the aresehole making that poor excuse for coffee (I know, I know) didn't put the lid on my coffee properly. So while I'm chomping away on my mcfucking eggless McMuffin I spill hot ******* pseudo-coffee all down my ************* shirt. Back home to change my shirt, still gnawing on my mcdisappointment and sipping my ******* poor excuse for a ******* latte. Arrive at work too late to park in the carpark, which was where I planned to catch forty ******* winks at lunch time. Then, my work PC won't switch on and I've got some ******* work to do.

So, **** Adelaide, **** sleep, **** McDonalds and **** Bill Gates.

On the plus side, I won a growler from Thunder Rd Brewers, so I'm picking that up this afternoon.
Prince Imperial said:
Ok, so last night those mouth-breathing ******s from Adelaide beat Collingwood & then later on I couldn't get to sleep. Fast forward to 3am, an episode of Boardwalk Empire & GoT later I finally got to sleep. Wake up at 6:30, running late so pull into Maccas for a dirty breakfast. The stupid c*nts forgot to put a ******* egg on my ******* McMuffin AND the aresehole making that poor excuse for coffee (I know, I know) didn't put the lid on my coffee properly. So while I'm chomping away on my mcfucking eggless McMuffin I spill hot ******* pseudo-coffee all down my ************* shirt. Back home to change my shirt, still gnawing on my mcdisappointment and sipping my ******* poor excuse for a ******* latte. Arrive at work too late to park in the carpark, which was where I planned to catch forty ******* winks at lunch time. Then, my work PC won't switch on and I've got some ******* work to do.
So, **** Adelaide, **** sleep, **** McDonalds and **** Bill Gates.
On the plus side, I won a growler from Thunder Rd Brewers, so I'm picking that up this afternoon.
Your day is only going to get worse.
1. That Maccas is going to clog your bowel and make you cross eyed .
2. You will drop that growler.
3. By this time you are so ******* angry that on the drive home you will involved in some serious road rage.
4. Someone will post the road rage incident on you tube it will end up on the Rant thread and we will all laugh at you.
Ahh I'm a cheery bastard :)
It's Friday. Flip your desk upside down and ragequit at lunch time.

Arrive monday and pretend nothing happened.
I reffer to a McDonalds breafast as the Araldite breakfast. Sets had 5 min after eaten.
Liam, that's a great idea. I might send an all staff memo:

"You're all ******, I'm off to the ******* pub"

Stu, absolutely. It's an edible, food-like construct. Surely NASA can find a use for it.
Prince Imperial said:
Ok, so last night those mouth-breathing ******s from Adelaide beat Collingwood & then later on I couldn't get to sleep. Fast forward to 3am, an episode of Boardwalk Empire & GoT later I finally got to sleep. Wake up at 6:30, running late so pull into Maccas for a dirty breakfast. The stupid c*nts forgot to put a ******* egg on my ******* McMuffin AND the aresehole making that poor excuse for coffee (I know, I know) didn't put the lid on my coffee properly. So while I'm chomping away on my mcfucking eggless McMuffin I spill hot ******* pseudo-coffee all down my ************* shirt. Back home to change my shirt, still gnawing on my mcdisappointment and sipping my ******* poor excuse for a ******* latte. Arrive at work too late to park in the carpark, which was where I planned to catch forty ******* winks at lunch time. Then, my work PC won't switch on and I've got some ******* work to do.

So, **** Adelaide, **** sleep, **** McDonalds and **** Bill Gates.

On the plus side, I won a growler from Thunder Rd Brewers, so I'm picking that up this afternoon.
My day has just gotten so much better after reading of a Collingwood supporter in dispair.
Pity about the growler but otherwise all good- I have no rant to contribute today, all is well with the world.
Prince Imperial said:
Ok, so last night those mouth-breathing ******s from Adelaide beat Collingwood & then later on I couldn't get to sleep. Fast forward to 3am, an episode of Boardwalk Empire & GoT later I finally got to sleep. Wake up at 6:30, running late so pull into Maccas for a dirty breakfast. The stupid c*nts forgot to put a ******* egg on my ******* McMuffin AND the aresehole making that poor excuse for coffee (I know, I know) didn't put the lid on my coffee properly. So while I'm chomping away on my mcfucking eggless McMuffin I spill hot ******* pseudo-coffee all down my ************* shirt. Back home to change my shirt, still gnawing on my mcdisappointment and sipping my ******* poor excuse for a ******* latte. Arrive at work too late to park in the carpark, which was where I planned to catch forty ******* winks at lunch time. Then, my work PC won't switch on and I've got some ******* work to do.

So, **** Adelaide, **** sleep, **** McDonalds and **** Bill Gates.

On the plus side, I won a growler from Thunder Rd Brewers, so I'm picking that up this afternoon.
Please refrain from ranting in the "First World Problem" thread - your tone is clearly rantish and therefore should be contained in the appropriate "Continuing Rant" thread.

For clarification.

  • My footy team lost = first world problem
  • I didnt get an egg in my mcMuffin = first world problem
  • I spilled my latte = first world problem
  • I'm tired cause I stayed up late watching (probably pirated) TV shows = first world problem.
  • My Car park is too far away to have a nap in a lunch time = first world problem


"My footy team lost" + "I didnt get an egg in my mcMuffin" + "I spilled my latte" + "I'm tired cause I stayed up late watching (probably pirated) TV shows" + "My Car park is too far away to have a nap in a lunch time" = Rant

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